Secret's Out

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The past few days have been fun... I got to hangout with Raven... I got to be with Ed.. It was going great..

"(Y/n).. What do you want to do? It's our last day..."I looked over to see Winry and Ed.

"Well I have to see someone.. Then I'll come back and you guys will already have an idea..."I said walking out. I walked over to the house Raven was staying at. I knocked on the door and didn't hear anything for a few minutes. Maybe she was at Lion's Claw... I walked to Lion's Claw and went inside. I didn't see her anywhere.

"She left last night with Keith."The barkeep told.

"Okay.... Thanks Jer!"I walked back to the house. I went back to where Winry and Ed were sitting. I only saw Winry.

"Where's Ed?"

"He left not long after you."

"Ed! Come out dammit!"He walked in to the room. I turned around to face him.

"Edward Elric! Explain yourself!"

"You know that Mustang would've wanted me to do that."

"Was it what Riza would've wanted."He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to his room.

"You know how I worry..."

"I know.. But I don't-... I need to keep the person I was going to see private-"

"You don't need to do that (Y/n).."Raven said in the window sill.


"Ed, this is Raven.."

"(Y/n)'s actual mom..."Raven continued.

"Wait what?"

"I have to say you two are quite the couple... When (Y/n) came to me after what she saw... She really didn't know she was in love..."Raven said.

"Mom!"I blushed.

"What... He is exactly what I want for you..."I looked at Ed to see he was blushing.

"Well I see I'm the one keeping y'all from romance so have fun!"She left. I looked back at Ed.

"Gosh, she really is something.."


"She predicted what I was thinking..."Ed shoved me up to the wall.


"You just look so cute when you're blushing... You also seem to like it when I do this.."He leaned in and kissed me. He was trying to tease me and I knew it. I switched our positions so I kept him at the wall. I could tell he was surprised and also liked that I was being flirty. We pulled away and he still had a look of surprise on his face.

Shortie (Edward Elric x Reader) ! Discontinued !Where stories live. Discover now