Shot 40: Siara and Luke #4: Fireworks xx

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Siara's POV:

"Luke, I can't do it anymore," I said my voice cracking. My tears were slowly trailing down my cheeks, and I was shaking terribly. After months, and months of this relationship, one thing was certain, the spark was gone.

Luke being on tour most of the time, really hurt the turn out of this partnership. Did I love him? Yes. With every bone in me. But something had changed. I didn't long for his touch as much, I didn't dream of his smile. Neither did he me. At least that's what I like to think.

Leaving a person that loves you, is harder than leaving one that doesn't. Did I want this relationship to work? Yes. I did. I'm not positive how he feels on everything, but at the moment, our worlds were colliding. And destroying each other.

He looked up from his guitar, and gave me a confused look. "What do you mean Siara?" He hadn't even noticed what I mess I was sitting next to him. "Oh, why are you crying? Are you okay?" I shook my head, and stood.

"Luke, I'm not okay. I haven't been okay for the past three months. I realized something, something upsetting, but true. I have to leave you Luke. It's best for us both," I continued on up the stairs, a guilty feeling settling in my stomach. I heard him a few steps behind me.

Entering the bedroom, I looked back, to see Luke standing in the doorway. "What? Are you breaking up with me?" His words hurt, but I had to do this. "Yes, Luke. We are no longer a firework, we've burnt out."  He walked closer, but stopped. There was no expression on his face, but you could see he was lost. 

"Siara, I don't understand." I looked at him with a tearful glare, "Maybe it's best if you don't."


Luke's POV:

"Maybe it's best if you don't."

That's when my heart fell apart. I never imagined this to happen. I knew that I had been away for a while, but I was planning to make it up. But like she said, there was less of a spark between us, and I didn't really know how to make it up to her.

But I loved her.

"Siara, let's just stop a minute. Alright," she shook her head, and placed more and more clothes into her bags. "We have to do this now, or things will get worse." I felt my body shake, and I held back tears.

"Look, I can make all the lost time up, just give me...more time.." I sighed. "I love you Luke," she had finished packing, and was sliding on her shoes.

I was scared, genuinely. I don't know if I can live without her. "Siara."

She stood, and placed a soft kiss to my cheek. "Bye, Lucas."

With that, she was gone. Out the door, forever.

Rage suddenly filled my body, and me having a short temper, I picked up the closest thing I could find. It was a photo of the two of us on our first date. We had attended a play. Something different, but she loved it. She had always wanted to be an actress, and watching people doing what she loved, inspired her.

I let a tear slip, then threw it to the hardwood floor. I shattered into more pieces then the naked eye could see.

I grabbed the picture from the pile of glass, and held it close. I then crumbled it into a ball, and threw it to the ground.


*Three Weeks Later*

 I sat at the kitchen table with the boys. All was silent, except for the damp sounds of Michael's chewing.

I had invited Calum to come stay with me after Siara left. Not because I was afraid, but I needed comfort. Closure. To know someone was there.

Okay, I was a little scared.

We invited the others over for lunch, and we were now munching on a few extra-large pizzas.

"So, how are you Luke?" Ashton asked, quietly. I hadn't had much sleep, and I decreased on my eating habits. But I was fine. I guess. I nodded, and finished off my last slice of pizza. I nodded.

"Has she called?" I shook my head. "Came by?" I repeated the gesture. "We are over Ash, what don't you understand about that?"

He shrugged, "I guess, I just can't believe it."

I starred at him, "And why not?" He sighed, and ripped another slice from the box. "Because there was something special about you two. I can't really explain it. But it was real." I squinted in confusion.

"I do love her..." 

Ashton smirked, "Then go get her mate."

I looked around the table, and received nothing but agreeing glances. 

With that, I stood, and walked out the door.


Siara's POV:

I was sitting with mom in front of the television, watching the latest episode of Dance Moms. 

"So, has he called?" I looked at her in shock. "What?" 

"Luke, has he called?" Oh. I shook my head.

"Came by?" I shook it once again.

"Oh, darn." I pecked up, "Darn?" She looked at me with the 'shit-I-shouldn't-have-said-that-look'. She then shook her head, "Yeah. Darn. Siara, I hate to say this, but I think you made a mistake." I slumped down, "Why is that?"

She sighed, "Do you love him, honey?" I nodded, "Yeah."

"That is why." 

"Explain." I pleaded. "You loved each other, and you could see it. Something was true about you two, something connected. Like nothing I've never seen before."

I looked down, "Yeah, but that died mom." She looked past my shoulder suddenly, and smirked. "Did it really?"

She stood, and left. I looked back, to see Luke standing in the open door. Shit.

He was beautiful, and it was like I was falling in love all over again, just looking at him. 

"Hi," he chocked out. I stood, and gave him a wave, as I walked over to him. 

"Um, so you're probably wondering why I am here?" He stated, scratching the back of his neck. I nodded, and tilted my head.

"Look, Siara. I know that things died, but I promise, we can bring them back to life. Somehow...I know that something was right between us, and you know it to. You could feel it, in everything from our first kiss to our tickle time, Siara we were meant for each other, and I hope you can accept these words, and love me back. Because Siara, I love you."

He stood, starring deeply into my eyes. And I felt the tears brimming on the edge of my eyelids. 

He looked so hopeless, and I felt it.

I wanted to say yes, but I couldn't.

So I kissed him.

Leaning in, and placing my lips against his warmth was the best feeling I had felt in a while.

He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me close.

And that's when I felt the spark.

It was living, yet again. Maybe, we just need to hear those words.

Maybe they were lighting to the fireworks.

I pulled away for one quick second to look him in the eyes, and mouth these few words to him.

"I love you too."


Siara! Here it is, finally. Sorry about the wait! I hope you loved it!! I liked writing it :) Also, thank you for sending in your fourth request. It means the world. xx I love you <3

Thank you everyone for the reads!! Means everything xx

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I love you guys!

-Robin Nicole xx

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