Chapter 3- The People

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When you don't feel wanted...Your friendship group is so very muddled up. Do they still want me, do they get excited when they see me at school. I don't think so... Sometimes I feel so lonely, like no one is on my side. Like everyone has turned on me.

Just a simple smile to a pedestrian as your walking home from school...they don't smile back...Is it normal to feel this alone?. I mean it's not like this all the time. But those days really suck. You have your family, broken or not. It sometimes hurts...Do you spend enough time with them, are you helping them out. And the times when you don't have enough money to buy them a present for their birthday. And then you think deeper, all you want is love from your family and to spend more time with them.

With a world full of so many people it's so weird to feel alone. They don't understand you at times, but then there is the small population of people who are out there. That glimmer of hope, that you will meet someone who can relate to you.

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