part 24

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Your POV
I arrive in the place where I know exactly where all of us will fight Thanos and Quill will punch Thanos out of rage. But I won't blame him, it normal to have this feeling of rage when you know what happened when you know the people you love the most die. So not his fault. "Wow.. The gravity here is mess up..." Then me and Peter saw Mantis jumping like a kid. "I wonder what happened if you bring a kangaroo here and let them jump.." Peter and Mantis then stared at the space.

Probably that happen.. "Okay so the plan we lured him here, fight him,  take what we want.." The in the distance you can hear Draft were yawning. "Seriously your yawning when I said my plan!? Do you even hear what I said?" I just sigh at the total weird thing they doing. "Actually what do they do anyway?" The Mantis reply with "kick ass,  make name.." Then draw nodded. "Why the actual fuck would you do that?" They both shrug. "Okay I like the idea except it suck.  So let me tell the plan to make it cool.." You can see the face of 'I'm so done with your a hit right now' face.

They were keep on arguing when Mantis turn around she was shock with Stephen who is floating and Green mist was around him. "Is your friends always like that?" He pointed at Stephen which head keep going to another direction weirdly. Then he fall and he was very shock. Tony quickly get next to him. "Are you okay?"

He was panting and trembling a little bit. "I'm fine.." "What was that?" Tony asked and Stephen look at him directly to the eye. "I just look at all the possible out come on Fighting Thanos.."

"How many multiverse? " He then look at you confused. "How did you know about Multiverse?" Everyone eye was on you. "Actually you can ask me after we beat that purple Ass.." You said akwardly. "There were 14,000,406 possibility.." "How many did we win?" He was hesitate to answer that because "one.." He answer with a weird tone.  I sigh and walk away from the scene. Stephen then come chasing after me from behind. Then he touch my shoulder. "Miss Raiki.. I want you to answer me.. How do you know about Multiverse.. And I saw in all of the universe.. I didnt see you.."

You can hear a tiny gasp. You turn around to see Tony and Peter. You avoid eye contact but Stephen lift up your chin to his eye level. "Raiki please tell me through truth.." You look at Tony face with sad eye. "I will tell you guys after we beat Thanos.. And I swear to you I will tell everything.. Right now I know it must be hard but Thanos already capture the soul stone.." Stephen eye widen. "How did you know?" You sigh.

"No time to explain the faster we beat Thanos the faster I tell you the truth.." You then walk toward Tony. "Tony.. Launch the plan.." He nodded.

In Wakanda 

The battle been going on what it feel like forever and Evelyn back is still hurt by the impact of the gun. Suddenly, an alien come and tackle her to the ground. she use one of the ice to impale it but doesn't seem to work couse' they don't feel anything. she make a dagger make of ice and cut his head off. She sigh that when she saw a giant tank like think with spike coming this way. She quickly stood up "EVERYONE FALL BACK!!" T'Challa tell everyone.

i quickly stood in front of it when i saw one of the soldier can't get away in time. i make an ice to prevent them from going any futher but, it doesn't work. "Damn it..." That when i saw a red hair landed right in front of me. i smile, knowing who it is. with a waved of her hand she stop the tank in midair and then she saw them coming from behind. so she used them to wipe them up quickly.

"I got this Lyn.." i smirk. Then i can hear Okoye said to Natasha " why isn't she hear earlier?" i chuckle. That when Shuri was fixing Vision Mind Stone to save him. That when she can hear scream from behind the door. She quickly program them faster. Then the door open to see one of the children of Thanos Come toward her she quickly put on her blaster weapon and fight him. 

But, of course she was easly defeated. That when She can hear the loud crash, Evelyn look behind to see Vision fighting one of them. In her ear Pieces she can hear Sam said " We got Vision situation here!"  "I'm on it!" i can hear Wanda voice ended with a groan and a a huge THUD!

"Damn it!" please Raiki.. please make sure you succeed!

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