Chapter 40

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I turn over and try to wrap my arm around magic, however I grab a pillow instead. I sit up, squinting at the light. I wipe my face with my hand and crawl out of bed, shuffling into the kitchen. "Yes mom... I know... No, we haven't... Tell dad I love him too... I love you too... Bye." Magic hangs up her phone and turns to look at me, smiling. "Morning sleeping beauty." She teases, leaning over the counter and pecking me on the lips. "What time is it?" I ask, sitting on a stool. "It's like 11:30." She says, handing me a bowl of cereal and some milk. I pour it in the bowl and hand it back to her. "How come you're up earlier than me?" I ask, eating a mouthful of cereal. Magic leans on the counter, trying to fix my hair. "My dad called me this morning. We stayed on the phone for a few hours... I think they miss me being around." She laughs, dropping her hand. "Why don't we go back then? You can spend some time with them." I suggest. "They'll be at work during the day." She shrugs. "Not during the weekend." I tell her. "True. But do you really wanna spend time with them?" She asks. I cringe slightly. "Not really... But I know how much they mean to you." I say. Magic walks around the counter and wraps her arms around my neck from behind. "If we leave tomorrow, then we'd have a few hours to ourselves before they get home from work. And then it'll be the weekend and we can do stuff with them." She says next to my face, kissing the side of it. I turn and look at her, pecking her on the lips. "Sounds good to me." I say and we both stand up. "I'm gonna go take a shower." She tells me, embracing me quickly before walking into the bedroom. I sit down on the couch and flick through the channels. Magic's phone starts ringing and I get up, walking over to it. I look at who's calling and see it's roman. I furrow my eyebrows and answer it. "Hello?" "Dean! Hey, where's magic?" Hey says cheerfully. "In the shower, why?" I ask, walking back over to the couch and sitting down. "Oh, ok. Well tell her I called." He says. "Yeah. Sure." We hang up and I look at the phone. I click on the messages and click into the ones between magic and roman.

Roman: did you think it through?

Magic: a little. I'm still a little confus-

I'm interrupted by magic walking in, holding her towel to herself and her hair dripping with water. She walks over to the coffee table and grabs her brush. "Hey... Is that my phone?" She asks, looking at me quizzically. I look down at the phone and then back to her. I quickly press the home button as I reply. "Yeah. Roman called. He told me to tell you he called." I say handing her the phone. "Thanks." She says grabbing the phone and walking into the bedroom. I sigh in relief. That was close.


I pull my shirt over my head and straighten it out a little. I grab my phone and call back roman. "Hey." He greets. "Hey. What's up?" I ask, sitting on the bed. "Nothing... Just called to see how you were." He says, making me bite my lip to stop smiling. "Oh ok, I'm doing good." I tell him. "That's good. Well, I guess I should let you go so you can spend time with dean." He says, sighing. "Ok." "Bye." "Bye roman." I set down my phone and grab the brush, starting to untangle my unruly hair. Dean walks in and plops down on the bed next to me on his stomach. "What did roman want?" He asks, picking at the comforter. I shrug. "Just to say hi and see how we were." I tell him, turning to look at him more. I set down the brush and peck him on the lips. "Ok. What do you wanna do today?" He asks, as I lay down on my stomach like he is. I turn over so I'm on my back and looking up at him. "I dunno. What do you wanna do?" I ask as he starts playing with my hair. "I think we should stay here and have some fun for ourselves." He states, connecting our lips. I chuckle lightly at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Sounds good to me." I mumble as he flips us over so I'm laying on top of him.

"Yes mom. We just got off the plane and we're heading home now." I tell my mom, adjusting the phone between my shoulder and head as I grab my bag off of the baggage thing. "Ok. I'll see you when I get home." We hang up and dean grabs his bag. "You all set?" Deans asks. I nod and we walk out. We catch a cab to my house and go inside. "I'm gonna unpack. You can stay here or come with." I tell dean. He nods, kissing the top of my head. "I'll stay here." I nod and walk into my room with my stuff. I unpack it all and then me and dean hang out watching tv for awhile.

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