How does the world of Harmony work?
1. Money
The currency is snake scales. Different colours are worth different things when inverted into pounds:
Colour Pounds/pence
Red £3
Orange £5
Yellow £4
Green £1
Blue £2
Purple £6
Black £7
Silver 50p
White £3.50
Rainbow £102. Monster Trainers
A Monster Trainer is a person who has a special connection with monsters.
A Trainer Ando/ How to become a Trainer:
To become a trainer, one must go to the Town Hall. Talk to a Monster Guider and ask for a Trainer Ando. Set a date, time, invite family and then pay. On the day of the Ando, you will be given the Beginner Trainer Badge (Badge number: 0) and Monster Badge (Badge number: -1). From there, you will be in a group of people with the same badge level as you. As you become a better Monster Trainer, you get a new badge and go into the next group. There is a total of 45 groups, the 45th group is for anyone badge 45 or over.
3. Errii(s)
Errii (plural Erriis) are monsters who attack people and/or humans. To find out if a monster is an Errii, look at its eyes. I'd the iris is small, it is a monster, if the iris is large, it is an Errii. Their nest (home) can be anywhere low to the ground.
Winged Erriis:
Winged Erriis are Erriis that can fly. They tend to be slow when walking, but glide in the sky extremely fast. Their nests tend to be on clouds.
Withered Erriis:
Withered Erriis are Erriis that are 10 times stronger than normal Erriis and are much smarter and have 5 times more stronger defence. Their nests are on tall areas.
Sea Errii
A sea Errii is an Errii who lives in the sea. Their nests are in the sea.
Star Errii
A Star Errii is a nocturnal Errii. Their nests are under ground.
4. Badges
If the badge requires you to (example) fight 10 Erriis, then in the next badge fight 15 Erriis, then you must fight 15 Erriis in total when in that badge group.
Badge How to move to the next badge
-1 Have an Ando
0 Have an Ando
1 Fight 3 Erriis
2 Find and fight 5 Erriis
3 Find 1 winged monster
4 Open a monster egg
5 Find 3 Erriis and 3 monsters, state difference to your group trainer
6 Steal a monster egg
7 Tame a baby monster
8 Steal 2 monster eggs and them once hatched tame them
9 Ride a monster
10 Ride a monster 1 mile
11 Fly on a monster
12 Fly on a monster 1 mile
13 Fight a withered Errii
14 Fight 5 withered Erriis
15 Ride an Errii
16 Ride an Erriie 1 mile
17 Fly an Errii
18 Fly an Errii 1 mile
19 Tame an Errii
20 Tame 3 Erriis
21 Steal an Errii egg
22 Steal and tame 3 Errii eggs
23 Multi attack an Errii
24 Multi attack 5 Erriis
25 Get a sea bubble from a sea monster
26 Get 5 sea bubbles from a sea monster
27 Ride a sea monster
28 Ride a sea monster 1 length
29 Steal a sea monster egg
30 Steal 3 sea monster eggs
31 Tame a sea monster
32 Tame 3 sea monsters
33 Fight a sea Errii
34 Fight 5 sea Erriis
35 Steal a Star monster egg
36 Steal 3 Star monster eggs
37 Tame a Star monster
38 Tame 3 Star monsters
39 Learn how to fight a Star Errii
40 Fight 5 Star Erriis
41 Friend fight with a monster of your choice
42 Friend fight 5 people with a monster
43 Friend fight with an Errii of your choice
44 Friend fight 5 people with an Errii
45 Do anything you want and get your Badge Of Al Badges badge.This was put here for a guide of what badge will be gotten each chapter.

FantasyHarmony, the world were monsters and humans unite together. Nalli and Tiallia are two sisters who both want to be a monster trainer. But, to become one, you must own a monster yourself. When their Monster Guider finds out that they don't actually ha...