Today was the first day of training. "What do we need to do today?" Nalli questioned her sister. Tiallia flicked though the pages of her Monster Trainer book.
"Fight 3 Erriis." She replied.
Nalli opened her wardrobe and grabbed out her and her sisters armour and boots and set them down on her bed. She undressed herself and put on her armour and boots, Tiallia then did the same. "We should get going now." She stated. The two headed outside.
The sun was shining over Harmony. The birds were singing, the butterflies were dancing around the flowers, and all sorts of monsters were in the town that day. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. The girls turned their head to look behind them. "Hey guys!" Their uncle, Owen, waved to them. He was carrying a large blue and orange egg, and he was going towards Opal's egg hatching service. "What monster do you think that is?" Tiallia whispered to her sister.
"I don't know. It might be an Errii egg, they tend to be larger than monster eggs." Nalli replied.The sisters were at the Monster Centre. They were greeted by many faces, including Maii. "Hey guys! We aren't starting yet, so you can get to meet some people before we do anything."
The sisters walked to the corner of the room. Here was 2 boys and a girl talking there, all with their own monsters. The first boy had brown hair and eyes, he was tall and was wearing the normal armour, but instead of swamp green fabric, it was dark red. His and the other boy's monster were both around 3 feet tall and we both black. The other boy had curly ginger hair, dark blue eyes and a small nose. He was wearing the same coloured armour as the 1st boy. The girl had pale blonde hair, light blue eyes, freckles, red at the tip of her nose and was wearing the same armour as Nalli and Tiallia. Her monster looked to be the same breed, but it was smaller, pink, and was wearing a small white bow. It looked at it's owner with joy in its eyes.
"Hello." Nalli nervously said.
The three turned around. The boys examined her, then they did the same to Tiallia, then carried on talking. The girl however, looked at Nalli and exclaimed "You must be Nalli and Tiallia! Maii told us you would be coming today. My name is Ori, the boy with brown eyes is Max and the boy with ginger hair is Will." Max and Will looked back at them and did a slight wave. "You two should meet some other people." Ori added.The sisters went to the midle of the room where a girl and her monster sat. The girl had black hair, a fringe and a bob, green eyes and was also wearing the same armour as the two. Her monster was a smooth light green colour, had large dark blue spots dotted around the creature. It's tail was long, and it's wings were tiny. "Hi, my name's Tiallia and this is my sister Nalli."
The girl looked at Tiallia, then her sister, the started stroking her monster again. "Hi" she whispered. The sisters looked at each other and shrugged.
"Oh, that's Liz and her monster, Oak. She's a bit shy." Maii told them. Liz looked back at Nalli and Tiallia. "Come here," she started. The girls bent down to listen to her. "You see those two boys over there? They're Jasper and Alex. They're a bit mean, I don't think you should talk to them just yet." Liz recommended as she pointed at two boys laughing at them in the corner. The sisters nodded."Alright everyone, the lesson will now start! Please come over to me." Maii announced. She had Erriis and eggs in a cadge behind her. Everyone sat in front of Maii. "So, the following people need to do the following badges and things -
Max - 4 - Open a monster egg
Will - 4 - Open a monster egg
Ori - 3 - Find 1 winged monster
Liz - 6 - Steal a monster egg
Alex - 3 - Find 1 winged monster
Jasper - 3 - Find 1 winged monster
Nalli - 1 - Fight 3 Erriis
Tiallia - 1 - Fight 3 ErriisTo make things quicker, we have Opal here form Opal's egg hatching services, she will be helping Ori, Liz, Alex and Jasper in the meadow. You four can go with her now, Max, Will, Nalli and Tiallia, you're staying here." Opal walked out the room with her group, leaving the others with Maii.
Opal's group were in the meadow. The grass was a bright green, the sky was light blue, and there were many monsters and Erriis walking, flying, swimming and sleeping. There were large grey rocks coming out of the ground, which was were most of the nests were. "Alright group, everyone but Liz needs to find 1 winged monster, Liz needs to steal a monster egg, so she can now go and find a nest. Everyone else can go find a winged monster" Opal commanded....Meanwhile in Maiis group...
"Alright group, I brought in Erriis and eggs, so you can all complete your tasks and get your next badge!" Maii exclaimed. "Also, Nalli and Tiallia, I need to see your monsters. You can't be a monster trainer without a monster!" The sisters looked at each other in fear.
"We never got told we would need a monster." Nalli sulked. Maii gave them a disappointed glare.
"Right." Maii said, then paused. "You'll have to leave the group. Once you've both got a monster, you can come back. And, you cannot buy one from anyone, you must go and get one out in the wild. You may now leave."Hey! Authors note here. So, did you like the first chapter? I will take any constructive criticism, because it's a LOT more helpful. Sorry if you find this kinda short, tell me if it is too short for your liking. Personly, I have a short attention span so I prefer it short, but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone when it comes to how long a chapter is. This chapter is just under 1000 words, not including this author's note. Also, I got a cover for the book! It was by CharlieJayHana and wow it is amazing, thank you so much!
Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one!

FantasyHarmony, the world were monsters and humans unite together. Nalli and Tiallia are two sisters who both want to be a monster trainer. But, to become one, you must own a monster yourself. When their Monster Guider finds out that they don't actually ha...