As soon as the girls were out the Monster Center, Nalli and Tiallia raced to the meadow. If they remember correctly, they once took a test saying what type of monster they would be best with. It told them that Nalli would be better having a sea monster, and Tiallia would be better having a sky monster. The only problem with that was one of the nests were under the sea, and the other was on the clouds. To go underwater for a sea monster, you need to get the blessing of a sea Errii, it will then it will give you a bubble that you can walk in underwater. To get a sky monster, you have to buy a ride on a sky lift, which was 300 green scales.
"Do you think we should get the type of monster that the test told us to get?" Tiallia asked.
"I don't know. You know how bad I am at swimming, and there is no way that I can get the blessing of an Errii. Are you going to get a sky monster?" Nalli answered.
"Well, I don't have 300 green scales, not like anyone would let me on a sky lift anyway." Tiallia replied.
"I think we should just both get a land monster." Nalli said, Tiallia agreed.
In the meadow, there were many breeds of monsters. Some were large fire breathing monsters from a five year olds wildest imagination, and others were tiny creatures the size of a shoe. Suddenly, the two spotted a nest. They looked at eachother and shared a smile. "Should we go in?" Nalli asked. Tiallia quickly nodded and raced to the nest, her sister following closely behind.Inside the nest was small, with a bunch of eggs inside. Every footstep could be heard, dust flying off when they walked. Tiallia flew off to an opening, Nalli nervously tip-toeing behind her. They reached to the eggs. There was a dragon, and a person, Liz. "Oh! Hi you two, I'm just getting an egg for my next badge, why are you here?" Liz questioned.
"We got kicked out for not having a monster, so we're finding an egg here." Tiallia responded.
"Say, have you done the test?" Liz asked
The sisters looked at each other, deciding if they should lie or tell the truth. "Yes, I got sea and Tiallia got sky." Nalli sighed.
"Well, you won't find and of those here." Liz chuckled a bit, then picked up an egg. It was large and fully orange. She put it by Oak's nose, "what do you think?" She asked, and Oak did a happy nod. Liz held the egg up and gently placed it down onto Oak's back.
"We're getting land monsters though, we can't rent a sky lift or get the blessing of a sea Errii." Tiallia stated, then got an confused look from Liz.
"You should really get the type that the test gave you. Being a Monster Trainer it's just about having badges and a monster, it's about getting the right monster and getting the badges with it."
"Come on, Nalli. We should get the right monster." Tiallia said, trying to convince her sister that she was right. Nalli sighed, then nodded.
"We should get out of here, before the mother comes." Liz feared. The group walked to the exit. Liz looked up, there was a long vine and a tree. Then she spotted honeyvines - Oak's favourite snack. She went up to the vines and pulled of a small honey ball. It was glowing like a lightbulb, and had a small leaf on its stalk from where she pulled it off. Liz turned around to Oak, his face lit up. She had be training him to have better manners, so he quickly sat down. The egg rolled down his back and onto the floor. Nalli and Tiallia heard Liz shriek. They looked behind them. "Who is that?" Tiallia screamed, looking at a large monster. It's eyes were pure black, it's scales changed from blue to orange in the sunlight, it's claws were white and sharper than a blacksmiths sword. It had many spikes all over it, some longer and sharper than others.
"The mother," Liz replied, digging around her pocket for her birthday gift - A new shiny pocket knife, perfect for fighting Erriis. At last she found it. She pulled it out of a sock, the thing she kept in in. She turned around. All she could see was white. She threw her sword as she fell to the ground. Nalli ran up to the Errii and picked up the pocket sword and the Errii fled away. The sisters went up to Liz. "Are you okay?" Tiallia asked. Liz covered her eye and stood up.
"As good as anyone could be when they get stacked by a withered Errii." She replied.
"That was a withered Errii?" Tiallia questioned.
Probably. Liz answered. "Can you grab that honeyvine?" Nalli ran up to the vines and pulled on them. She brought it up to Liz and she started wrapping them where she got cut. "We should defently get going now, we don't want another Errii to come."
"You're right." Nalli replied. She picked up the egg and placed it on Oak's back. The group walked off, out of the nest.Hey! Authors note again. This chapter is a bit shorter, but hopefully you like it! The first Errii ever to attack in this book was in this chapter, and I think I should say, it was quite a cute monster. Whatever you thought of it, you can keep on thinking it, but I drew it out for reference and it's cute, well at least as a baby. What do you think the baby monster will look like? Again, I'm taking any constructive criticism, so feel free to comment away.
Anyway, I'll catch you in the next chapter, bye!

FantasyHarmony, the world were monsters and humans unite together. Nalli and Tiallia are two sisters who both want to be a monster trainer. But, to become one, you must own a monster yourself. When their Monster Guider finds out that they don't actually ha...