This was my first work (unofficial, I just made this cuz I was bored during elementary times) A story about a bunch of teenagers who went on a camping trip inside a forest. Little do they know something evil waits for them.
One day a group of teens as friends got an idea to go and have a camping trip.Consisting the members of John,Charlie,Samantha,Chris and Helena.John packed his things and called out the others that he'll pick them up with his car.He got to Helena first,"Hey Helena!You excited?"John asked"Hell yeah!Im super excited!"Helena said jumping with excitement.They got to the others at last they got to Samantha,as the car got fulled of awkwardness.As they have known Samantha and John broke up about a month ago besides that Chris was the new boyfriend of Samantha.Anyways the group of friends got to the entrance of the forest.A stranger said "Becareful of the man with no eyes!As he hides unseen to the naked eye!".They all thought he was just crazy because he was old and had a beard with white hair.As they got their things they set off into the forest.End of Chapter 1.
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Chapter 2:The Forest
They have set up camp and started fun activities such as tag,hide and seek,marshmallows,campfire songs.They explored more and got to see a mountain and the beautiful sun!They also found a creepy shack but didn't bother to explore it.As night falls and the cricket sings and animals sleep they did too."JOHN WAKE UP"Charlie said.John checked his phone its 2:24 AM and John asked"What the hell Charlie?It's like 2 in the morning"Charlie was terrified and confused he then pointed something outside the tent.(A man in a business suit was looking straight at their tent then it dissapeared in a flash)They knew no one can help them since the forest is very far away from the station and it was isolated.They woke up Helena and Samantha and told them the whole thing."John and especially you Charlie are just imagining things!"Samantha exclaimed."Yea guys.. Maybe becau-"(She was cut off as she saw a man John and Charlie had said and soon it was gone)They heard Chris's scream for help and they rushed to help him but instead they saw him coveref in blood and his eyes were gone"Chris No!!".They knew they had to get out of the forest.End of Chapter 2.
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Chapter 3:The Chase
They ran and ran and ran as they have lost their way into the deep forest.John found a note saying "Find the eight notes or he will not quote"They saw this as a warning and a sign but they still had to move.As they were running Charlie tripped and the three still kept going as they have not notice him.Charlie got up and in confusion he lost the group and was alone.He tried to find his way but soon het met his doom and was pulled into darkness with eyes ripped out.The three heard the screams and soon found out Charlie was gone."CHARLIE!!"Helena screamed and was slapped by Samantha."This is your fault!As they fought Helena pushed Samantha and Samantha fell in a cave."Help!"Darkness himself has come and took the eyes of Samantha and John and Helena watched as it happens.They went back into the camp as they have found their way.End of Chapter 3.
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Chapter 4:The Fall They dashed as fast as he could.John knew they were being followed and that he was next so he thought and left himself behind."I'll take you on!"John fought bravely but was buying time for Helena to escape.He met the same fate as his friends had experienced.Helena got to the car.She soon found out that John was nowhere to be found but she has no choice to leave since she saw the man that have been killing her friends.So she started the car and drove off.As she was driving she saw at the window spelling "Slenderman".Slenderman appeared behind the seat and the car stopped.She screamed and died.The bodies weren't found but as months passed.A new group has arrived...
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