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They say most of the people that commit or attempt  suicide regret their decision when they are falling from the building or cliff or bridge they've jumped off. Well..  I am sure I won't regret it.  Now that I am standing on the edge of a 17 floors building I was never so sure and confident about any decision I've made ever in my life.  At the end there will be only darkness. I don't really like it,  but I am used to it..  This decision will put an end to all my pain,  all the lies,  all the bullshit in my life wich I will call more surviving or existence than life..
I can't even remember when all this began .  I remember playing with my neighbour, who was at the time my best friend,  and the next thing that I can remember is sitting alone in my room for 2 days straight..  Alone with all my demons, hopeless.

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