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It was a gloomy Sunday morning when I noticed some lights in the neighbour house that was empty for as long as I remember myself. I heard my whole life that a psychopath killed himself there even before I was born into this shitty world.  Despite that, the house looked pretty normal at first glance. The colour a bit to gray, windows a bit to big but nothing seemed to reveal the horror story that was hidden behind the walls.
That light tho... I thought that it was again my fucked up mind messing around but it wasn't the case this time. Someone moved in... Right next to my house! How freaking wonderful! I wasn't in the mood to meet another pice of flash playing all friendly in order to fit in.  And I didn't...  At least for a while.. I didn't see my new "neighbour" for a week or so..  Just that dull light coming from one of the windows... day and night. Not that I care about energy waste, but What the fuck?! I understood all when I saw that slim, tall,  almost ghost-like figure on the doorway of that house. "Run!"  screamed a voice in my head but I froze in place, unable to move. I felt the gaze coming from there.  Shivers going down my spine,  a cold sweat and vision getting blurry... Oh crap..

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