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I looked over my shoulder just to see him following me. Great! How unexpected I thought. I started to walk faster or at least I tried to until I ran out of breath and decided to turn the corner on an alley I've never been before. He was still right behind me. A million thoughts went through my head at that moment. I stopped in place to catch my breath and to see what he was going to do. I hoped to see someone on the street that can hear my screams in chase something happened but it was completely empty. I could still hear footsteps getting closer. I was alone, and something inside me screamed DANGER.
I thought about dying so many times but I never imagined that it will be like this, on a shady neighbourhood, completely alone and scared. I couldn't budge.
After a few seconds he got into my peripheral vision. He was way taller than me, dresses in a black turtleneck and black jeans. I always thought turtlenecks look ridiculous on guys but I'm not a fashion icon myself so who cares. What stood out was his blonde almost white hair. But of course I wasn't there to critique his outfit.  I was frozen in place. My palms got sweaty, heart beat increased and cold sweat was running on my back.
I closed my eyes for a split second and when I opened then he walked right past me! I thought my heart was going to explode. He was now crossing the street right in front of us. He turned around his head  and said with a smirk on his face:
-"Didn't know you were the type to come to such places. "
  Then he got right inside the tattoo shop across the street. Strangely enough the shop was lighted as poorly as his house it seemed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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