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I woke up the next morning by someone talking by my bed. I lightly opened my eyes to see Taylor and Matthew looking at me and arguing about who should wake me up!

"You wake her up! Ashton told me she isn't a morning person!" Taylor said

"But she looks so adorable sleeping!" Matthew said while moving some hair from my face

"Yeah but she would be cuter if that was me laying with her instead of Luke!" Taylor murmered while glaring at the person I'm guessing was Luke beside me!

That's it I'm done! Nobody does that to my boyfriend! Even if they are......Jealous? I'm guessing?

I laid up and looked at Taylor and Matthew which had wide eyes and were looking me up and down. Thats when i remembered I'm in my bra! Eh i don't care!

"So how's your guys morning been?" I asked while getting up and walking to my dresser and picking out a pair of high waisted shorts and a batman crop top.

"Umm g-good"Matthew studdered which made me giggle a little.

"That's good i guess!" i said putting my shorts on and pulling my shirt over my head.

"So why are you guys in my room? What are you my creepy stalkers that watch me sleep or what?" i said while making my way over to Luke.

"no Ashton told us to tell you that breakfast is done!" Taylor said giggling at my little remark.

"ok well I'm up so you can leave my room while i wake Luke up!" I told them and they walked out of the room with a quick "ok bye"

I looked over at Luke and walked over to the side of the bed he was on.

"Luke wake up!" i said shaking his shouler a little which earned me a small groan.

"Luke please wake up!" i said louder and opened his eyes and smiled at me "Hey babe good morning!" he said standing up and grabbing my waist pulling me closer to him "Good morning!" i said pecking his lips.

"i should go and get dressed." he said walking to the door.


I walked out of Laura's room and up to mine so that i could actually get on real clothes! When i came out of my room someone knocked on the front door.

I walked over to the door right when Laura walked out of her room. I opened the front door to see Shawn Mendes standing there "Hey Luke whats up?" He said and i heard a squeal behind me and "Shawn!" i turn around to see Laura running up to Shawn and hugging him "Laura!" Shawn yelled before Laura jumped on him and wrapped her legs around him!

"How has my Beautiful Angle been, huh" He says while kissing her cheek

"Great! How has my little Shawny Woney been?" Laura asked climbing off of him

"Good" Shawn says while Laura had drug him in the living room!

I'm not going to lie i was kinda jealous at the fact that she literally jumped on him and then to make matters worse she wrapped her legs around him!

I walked back into the living room only to find Laura snuggled into Shawn! I walked out of the room and walked up to mine I slammed the door shut and plopped on the bed and just looked at the ground! To say i was pissed was an understatement! She's MY girlfriend! Mine! Not Shawn's!

I heard a knock on the door and then it opened i didn't even look over at who it was until i felt the bed sink down next to me and when i did turn my eyes met with Laura's goldenish/Brownish eyes! "Luke what's wrong?" she asked while rubbing my back and scooting closer to me "Nothing I'm just mad that's all!" i told her before laying down only to have Laura crawl ontop of me! "Why are you mad?" she asked wrapping her petite arms around my neck. "Because you were all over Shawn!" I exclaimed "Awe Lukie! There's nothing to worry about! Me and Shawn did have a past but that was the past! Me and Shawn are just friends!" she says

"Ok good! Cause you're mine and only mine! You got that?" i ask while kissing her cheek and giving her a peck on the lips.

"Ok and yes i get it!" she says before lying her head down on my chest.

I'm so sorry i haven't updated lately! My mums been in the hospital for awhile and i have been checking up on her and I just been having trouble for awhile! Well here's chapter 21 hope you like it!
Kik: laurajean22_21
love, LOULOU

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