The Marriage and Baby Project - A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction

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Good morning/day/night everyone who is reading this!

I want to thank you in advance or clicking on this fan fiction! I really hope you enjoy it but please remember that this book was all my idea. I own the storyline, the title, the chapters and the characters in it. (except for One Direction sadly)


Chapter 1:

The Marriage and Baby Project


I entered the school building as any normal day would begin. My loyal entourage of supposedly friends crowded around me as I walked down the chatter filled hallways.

"Good morning Rosie!" Brittany, one of my followers greeted me in a very annoying high-pitched voice. I smiled my signature fake grin at her and replied the same thing back. She then walked away not even bothering to say another word. I rolled my eyes and went to my blue locker to get my books for the day.

"Hey Rosie!" Mackenzie, my only real friend cheerily said to me as she opened her locker which was two away from mine. "Hey!" I replied actually happy to see her.

My name is Rosie Moore, I'm seventeen years old and I'm probably one of the most popular girls in school. I'm not going to lie, I'm spoiled and I'm a bitch to people I don't like. I'm your typical popular girl that you see in the movies. I get with a different guy every week and have all the designer clothes.

But in a way this isn't like the movies...there's no unpopular loner of a kid who ends up with the guy in the end...instead you have me. The stereo-typical mean bitch of a popular girl.

"So who do you think you'll get partnered with today?" Mackenzie asked in a rather eager tone. Shit I totally forgot about that...

You see in our science teacher Mr.Walters has this new project for us. A project where each girl is partnered with a boy in our class. They must act as a couple towards each-other. A married couple. And look after a sort of baby simulator doll together for two whole weeks. To be blatantly honest I'm dreading it. But I'm more dreading the fact that I don't know who I'm going to be partnered with.

"I have absolutely no idea but I'm scared shitless about it" I told her truthfully and she rolled her eyes at me and continued to dig around in her locker.

At that moment, basically my rival, enemy, whatever you want to call him walked past. Louis Tomlinson. Him and his loyal group of friends that tend to his every need. He doesn't treat them like friends. More like....assistants. As he walked past me he pushed his perfect windswept hair further to the side and fixed his navy striped top so that it wasn't wrinkly. I groaned at the sight of him. I'm guessing he heard me because seconds later Louis was right in my face.

"Well good morning Rosie! Looking hideous as always!" he practically spat in my face in a fake cheery tone while Harry one of his closest 'friends' egged the others on to laugh at everything he was saying. He had me up against my locker so there was no way I could get out of this situation. I decided to fight back as best someone could when they're jammed against the wall.

"Good morning to you too. How's mummy and daddy? They doing ok? Or is the divorce still splitting you further...and further....apart" I snarled at him as I said those last words. I know that was a tad too far but I needed him out of my face. With each word I said I took a step closer and closer causing him to back away from me in shock and maybe even a hint of hurt?

As he stormed off in a hissy fit, I smirked happily to myself. That should get him off my back for today anyway. "Well done Rosie" Jason another one of my only real friends said to me in admiration as he clapped his hands slowly in approval.

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