One-Shot Winners!

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Hello people who own computers! :D

So i'm going to cut to the chase and tell you who won the contest before your brains explode. :3

Ok so let's start with third place.

The winner of a fan from me, a dedication and a vote and read on one of your chapters goes to... @His_skinnylove

I found this one shot really enjoyable as she decided to make Rosie sick and Louis looked after her, taking her to an indoor aquarium and Starbucks which I found really cute. She also made Rosie fall in one of the fish tanks which was quite funny too. Congratulations!

Next, second place!

The winner of a fan from me, two dedications and also a read of your whole book and a vote on each chapter is... @1D_Mrs_Styles

This one-shot was extremely cute and it also explained how Rosie was feelin extremely well. The date was very original too. Louis took Rosie to an empty arcade where they spent the day playing games against each-other. Afterwards Louis took Rosie to a stadium where they lay in the middle and watched the stars. The one-shot ended with Louis saying that Rosie was the girl for him after they shared a kiss. Congratulations to you too!

Finally! First Place!

The winner of a character in the sequel to The Marriage and Baby Project, a fan from me and promotions for one or more of your books goes to... @Abbey_Rose_21 !

This one-shot was extremely original! I never even thought of something likw this to include in the story and it fit so well into it too! Basically, this takes place after the party that Louis held at his house where Rosie and him nearly hooked up. Louis decides to genuinely take Rosie out on a date. Near the end of the date, Rosie and Louis kiss. Rosie realises that she's falling for Louis and so does he. But suddenly Harry, Zayn, Niall and Liam jump out of no-where and start throwing mud at Rosie. Rosie thinks that the whole date was a set up just to humiliate her so she starts shouting at Louis and leaves, after that the whole story goes back to normal.

So a huge congratulations to the three winners for this contest! I will inbox the first place winner regarding your character very shortly!

I really suggest to all my other readers that you go check out these one-shots. They really are amazing! And i'm sorry to anyone that is disappointed if they did not win. It was extremely hard to pick a winner as every single one of the entries were amazing! :)

Ok so i'm sorry that there is no chapter for today but I promise I will upload a really long one tomorrow!

Thank you so much to everyone that entered! I really enjoyed reading all your stories. :) xx

The Marriage and Baby Project - A Louis Tomlinson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now