Chapter 12♥️

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Connor's pov
"I-I-I didn't k-know."Evan said,I hugged him."Shhh,we'll get through this together Ev."i said,"W-What are w-we g-go-gonna t-te-tell my m-mom?"he asked."...I don't know..."I trailed off,I sighed."We should probably just tell her,Maybe she'll understand."i said,"I heard everything."the hair on our necks rose as we turned around and saw Heidi.

"M-Mom I-"she cut him off by hugging him,"it's ok honey,we'll all get through this together."she said.

Evan's pov
Connor and I were getting ready for bed,as I brushed my teeth I felt Connor's long arms wrapped around my waist,his head was on my shoulder."do you know how much I love you?"he asked,I smiled.

Once I was done brushing my teeth I got in bed,Connor got in bed as well.he had his hand on my stomach,I smiled.he lifted my shirt up and bit and kissed my stomach,"goodnight Evan.goodnight child that we didn't name yet..."he said.i chuckled,soon we both fell asleep.

Yes I know some of this is from the original fanfic don't @ me

Heidi's pov
It was 9:00 at night,Evan and Connor were asleep.i was asleep too until I heard a knock on the door,I wore my robe and put on my slippers.then I walked to the door,"I'm coming,I'm coming."I said as was at the door.i opened it to see Cynthia and Larry,Connor's parents.

"Heidi,have you seen Connor?"she asked,"he's in big trouble when we find him."Larry mumbled."hush Larry!"Cynthia said,I didn't want Connor to go back to his family."no,I'm sorry Cynthia.I haven't seen him anywhere."I lied,"oh,well if you see him tell him to come home!"Cynthia said.once they left I closed the front door,"phew..."I said to myself.i locked the front door and walked back to my room,I took off my robe and slippers and went back to bed.

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