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He waited until she almost closed the door and grabbed the handle. He slightly pushed it and slid his way in. Sasha let out a deep groan as she saw who entered.

"Seth please, I can't be around you" She pleads as he shakes his head.

"Just hear me out" He sighs as she shakes her head.

"No, no, no, no" She says covering her ears and backs up onto the sink. "I can't hear you"

He slightly laughs at her childish gesture as he walks closer to her. He wraps his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to his body.

Sasha almost immediately melts into his touch. Every time his hands touched any part of her body she got chills, she got tingly in her stomach. Some would even call it warm and fuzzy inside.

Her hands slowly drop as she looks up at him. She sighs deeply as he continues to hold her in the same trance they had when they were together.

"Talk" She sassies trying to act like she has everything under control.

"Sasha, you know I love you but as you said, we can't be together. Maybe in the future but as of right now we can't be. We don't work" Seth sighs as he takes one hand off her waist making her feel cold and empty.


"No buts, I heard everything you said while I was in a coma and I agree but, I don't want it to be true. I love you so fucking much, no one will ever be able to make me stop but, our life's are to different" He sighs as she looks down.

"I want to be in your life, even if it's only a friend-"

"I lied Seth, I can't be your friend, I can't be anything to you if I can't have you. I love you, it pains me to see you with anyone else. So, if friends is what you want. I'm declining" Sasha says as his jaw drops a little.

"How is that fair?" He mumbles as she raises her eyebrows.

"Did you really just ask that? How is that fair? You think it's fair for me to hear all this undying love you have for me but 10 minutes later you're telling Nikki how much you've got for her?" Sasha hisses as she pushes him away from her.


"Don't Sasha me! You love Nikki now, right? She has a whole different kind of love that I don't, right?" She says as she tilts her head. "Screw you" She adds as she trys to walk out but he grabs her waist and spins her around.

"What about you and Finn?" He starts as she shakes her head. "What about all the fucking guys you dated in the space of a year. You think that was fair of me to watch? I tried to make things right but instead you hoped from dick to dick" He says as she tenses.

"Seth, forget you and me, forget we were even in love, I sure will after this conversation. Me and you ended. A year ago, 375 days ago, yes I've been counting. This 'undying' love has tried to sprout but, it just gets repeatedly stomped on. So forget it all, the kisses, the times we shared, the love we made, and lastly all the conversations we had. Forget me, in fact leave me alone" She sadly says as she lowers her head. She waits for him to speak but he never does.

"Goodbye" She sighs. She looked up to see him crying. Tears streaming down his face with red eyes. "Please stop crying"

"How can I? I thought everything was fine again just to have it come crashing down all over again, why can't we just have what we want? Leave Finn. I'll leave Nikki, I love you and only you" He cries as he grabs her hands. He drops to his knees as he looks up at her. He hugs her stomach tightly and sobs. Sasha rubs his head trying hard not to cry herself.

"Seth you know that, that is a horrible idea" She mumbles. "We have lov-"

"No, I don't want anyone but you, you only" He sniffles as he looks up her to see her wipe a tear quickly.

"Please don't make this harder than it already is" She sighs as she pulls him up to his feet. He looks down at her and sighs. "I have to g-"

He grabs her face and plants a liss on her lips. The kiss was full of hunger, he needed this kiss. Sasha did too but, tried to keep her composure. She has cheated on Finn 3 times now. All those thoughts flew out the window when she wrapped her arms around his neck.

She should feel the slightest bit guilty but, she doesn't. She is enjoying this. He slung both of his arms around her waist pulling her closer. She reluctantly pulled away after leaving a peck on his lips.

"Now, no more of this Seth, we've cheated 3 times. This isn't right"

"Didn't it feel right to you though?" He sighs. "Cuz it sure as hell did to me"

"Let go of my waist" She says trying to hide her blush. "Please"

"And if I don't?"

"I won't consider being your friend" She chuckles but stops when she sees a smile enter his face.

"Who cares? Soon you'll be more than my friend" He smiles as he slowly lets go of her waist.

"Alright" She blushes. "Bye friend"

"Bye" He sighs as she walks out the room. She has a giant smile plastered on her face. Bigger than the one she walked in with, the she remembered it was her and Finn's anniversary.


978 words.

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