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Sasha went back to the hotel to get changed and showered for her dinner date. She opened the door to see an empty room.

"Finn!" She yells as she looks around but, realizes she is all alone. She smiles brightly as she grabs her speaker. She blasts a song that mimicks her mood. 'Into you' by Ariana Grande.

Sasha starts to dance around her room shouting the song.

"So baby come let me up and baby imma let you on it. A little bit dangerous but baby that's how i want it. A little less conversation and a little more touch my body cuz im so into you into you into"

She finishes her jam session to order some room service. She then runs a bath and drops a bath bomb into it. She grabs her phone and speaker and waits for the food.

It comes faster than expected to she puts the pizza on the side of her bath and hopes in. She plays more songs and just vibes in the moment. She closes her eyes in a swift movement to keep her calm setting. She dips her head in the water as she drinks a glass of white win.

She got to thinking and let her mind fly freely.

Seth walked into their hotel room as he found Sasha laying in their bed. He smiles as he lays down beside her. She smiles as she smells his colone. She turns over so she is facing him.

"Flowers for me?" She giggles as he nods. "What for?"

"Can't I get flowers for my beautiful, talented, smart and funny girlfriend?" He smiles as she blushes.

"You're so cute, what did I do to deserve you?" She smiles brightly.

"You are you, that's it" He smiles as she pecks his lips. She lays on his chest as he rubs circles on her stomach.

"Feeling better, babe?" He asks as she looks up at him.

"Not really, my belly has been hurting since yesterday" She whines as a frown takes over his face. He hated when she was sick.

"It is gonna be okay baby, I promise" He says as she nods and sadly smiles. He placed his hand under her shirt and rubs her stomach. She melts at his touch and the two fall asleep.

She opened her eyes once she felt herself falling to deep. She was in love with Colby Lopez and no one was gonna be able to stop her, not even herself. As much as she wanted to let go of their past it was impossible. A part of her wanted to go out with Finn tonight but a bigger part of her wanted to go somewhere with Seth.

She grabbed her phone and saw two messages.

From Seth:
Whatcha up to?

From Finn:
8 is good, right?

She looked up at the ceiling before coming to a conclusion. She texted Finn first.

To Finn:
Can we do this tomorrow I am really in pain

From Finn:
Of course baby, feel better

To Seth:
Wanna go on an adventure?

From Seth:
Sure, where we going?

To Seth:
That's for me to know and you to find out 🌚

From Seth:
So cheesy

To Seth:
Be ready in 10 and meet me at my room. 512 A

From Seth:
Okay bossy

She showered off and got out the bath tub. She left her hair wet and wavy. She put on her black leather pants with a white crop top. She put on her red Nike's and a pair of sunglasses although the sun was going down.

She heard a knock and looked through the peephole. She smiled once she saw Seth. She pulled him inside before anyone saw.

"Woah, don't yanm my arm off" He chuckles as she rolls her eyes. "You look hot"

"I know" She giggles as he shakes his head. "Let's get out of here" She smiles as she grabs his hand and rushes down the hall. She runs so fast that her purple hair looks like a blur.

They finally reach the car as Sasha hops into the drivers seat. She starts the car and looks over at Seth.

"Put this on bitch" She smirks as she throws a bandana. He rolls his eyes as he places it on. "Here's a test, look at me" She says as he turns his head.

"What am I doing?" She asks as she silently blows him a kiss. She watches as a smile takes over his face.

"You're blowing me a kiss" He laughs as she crosses her arms and pouts.

"Ugh, put this on" She says as she throws him a black bandana. He puts it on and says he can't see. "Good"

She backs out the parking lot and takes down the roof of her car. Their hair flew the wind as she speed down the street. Sasha grabbed Seth's hand and held it up yelling 'wooo'.

"Sasha are we close?" He laughs as she puts their arms down. "I wanna take this off"

"After we get off the highway you can take it off" She smiles as they make a turn off the highway. She pulls into a dirt road and pulls off his blind fold. She drives up a mountain and parks it at the edge.

"Holy shit Sash"

888 words.

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