2. She's a Blasphemy

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Please Ignore The Guy Dancing Behind Evan. This Is Supposed To Be *Evan Leaning On a Door Frame*. lol

I'll just go ahead and give the point of view for this I guess.

Music (some stuff I listened to while writing):

1. Fireside/ Arctic Monkeys

2. Female Robbery/ The Neighbourhood

3. Matador/ Arctic Monkeys

4. Crying lightning/ Arctic Monkeys

5. Last night/ The Strokes

6.Valerie/ Amy Winehouse (baaaaaee)


E v a n

I stop my car when I arrive at an obviously under cared for club in the notorious city of New York to get a drink and blow off some steam. It's amounted to probably four years now that I've been dealing with shit like this. Four years of the stress, and the risk, and the possible consequences. But for four years I have never really been willing to give up the thrill of what I do.

So my solution is to let it all go for one night at least. Tonight is that night.

Neon colored strobe lights fill my eye sight as I walk towards the bar. In my peripheral I see people grinding against each other and moving to the rhythm of an upbeat song. The air is hot and humid. The smell of hard liquor and other drug substances invading my senses. The combination of the two instantly making me light headed.

It's a never ending debate in my mind when I try to decide if I miss this as much as I say I do.

"A bourban." I tell the bartender.

I watch as he reaches for the drink and and pours it into a glass with ice.

"Peters?" I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Ah shit..." I murmur. "Yes, what do you want Nick?" My stress only heightens at the sight of him. Can't these fucking men handle something on their own for once.

"So yesterday I picked up the merchandise and well, you know we never check it until after we get to the safe house?" He rubs the back of his neck only proving how nervous he is about informing me.

"Oh dammit Nick. I fucking ask you to do one thing. One fucking thing, and you manage to ruin it." I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"We aren't supposed to check the shit though until we reach the safe house! You can't blame me for this one."

"You dumb fuck. Nick you were in a secluded area! You could have fucking flaunted the coke around and nothing would have happened!" I scream at the large moron before me.

"But Peters" he begins.

"Get out of my face before I beat your seemingly microscopic brain out." I cut him off. Nothing he would say would fix the mess he made anyways.

He raises his hands in surrender. Knowing I don't make a statement if it isn't true.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath.

The night where I was supposed to let everything go turns out to be one of the most stressful yet. How fucking great. Now I have to figure out how much is owed and make another deal with the sons of bitches to get back what they failed to give.

Damn Nick for being dim. Damn the Brussels for making a dirty exchange. Damn me for thinking this would go on smoothly.

I finish off my bourbon and look across the bar.

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