Flash Backs

17 0 2

*Please read a/n at the end :)*

Stepping out of the airport, bags in hand, chills ran down my spine.

"Rose! Hey, wait up!" I turned to see a frantic Harry running towards me. "Let me give you a ride, my car's parked in the parking lot."

"Uhm, that's sweet but I don't think that's the best idea."

"C'mon Rose!" he pleaded.

"Fine." I sighed.

He led me over to his car and loaded our bags.

"Where are you staying at?-You know, so I can drop you off."

"134 Ridgeman avenue. Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah, one of my mates from highschool live nearby."

We continued the ride in awkward silence, what else would you expect? We hardly know each other.

"Tell me about yourself Rose, considering I only know your name after all."

"Well uhm, my full name is Rose Emerson Thompson, I'm 19, I was born here in Bradford and.....there's not much for you to know."

"I presume that leaves matters in my hands. My full name is Harry Edward Styles, I was born in Chesire--quite a bustling city. I then continued the voyage of life in to New York where I am attending Juliard."

"Juliard? What are you majoring in?" I questioned. He seemed more of the jock type.

"Modern Art such as singing."

"You sing?"

"Like a bird, love." I chuckled at his response.

"She laughs!" he exclaimed sarcastically.

"Oh, turn here. It's on the right side."

"Here it is."

"Thank you for the ride, Harry."

"No problem Rose. Hey but before you leave, can I have your cell,to keep in touch?"

"Uhm, yeah sure, here." I said while scribbling it down on the back of a crumpled receipt.

"Bye. Thanks again"

"Goodbye Rose Emerson Thompson."  He called out.

"Goodbye Harry." I said softley as he drove away.

*Authors Note*

Hi guys I am so so very sorry I did not post over the past month or so. I have just barely recovered my account from me ever so wisely forgetting my password. I hope you are enjoying my story so far and once again I apologize for the inconvenience.

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