zoey-eyes-crystal blue-hair-dark brown-skin tone-light tan
trisha-eyes-dark brown-hair-ambre brown and blonde-skin tone-white
sydney-eyes-dark green-hair-light brown-skin tone-tan
austin-eyes-green-hair-dark brown-skin tone-tan
blake-eyes-brown -hair-dark brown-skin tone tan
naill-eyes-blue\green-hair-blonde-skin tone-light tan-lip piercing-half sleeve of tattoos
zayn-eyes-dark brown-hair-black-skin tone-tan-snake bites-half sleeve of tattoos
louis-eyes-blue\green-hair-dark brown-skin tone -light tan-lip piercing-sleeve of tattoos
liam-eyes-brown-hair-light brown-skin tone- light tan-half sleeve of tattoos
harry-eyes-hazel\green-hair-dark brown-skin tone-lght tan-lip piercing-half sleeve of tattoos
Thrown Of Lies One Direction A.U
FanficWell read the first update it explains it all,but this is a one directon A.U story .