House Lannister

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"House Lannister. She shall marry my cousin's son."

Tywin said causing Mariah to look at him in question. Obviously Ser Gregor was baffled. His Bastard daughter to marry a Lanniater? Unheard of!

"My.... my lord that is...."

"A reward for your family's years of service to me and the crown."

Gregor lowered his head in a deep bow while Mariah on the other hand stood there just looking at Tywin. He looked to her seeing the expression she wore so clearly on her face.

It was sadness. But why? Why would she be sad at this news?

"Leave us Ser Gregor. I wish to continue this conversation with your daughter alone."

Ser Gregor bowed deeply again before he stood upright and backed out of the room. Leaving them both alone together.

Tywin sighed deeply as he reached for s handkerchief that he kept close by and wiped the wine off his clothing.

"You seem highly ungrateful for someone who nearly lost her head several months ago."

Tywin said ad he glanced her direction. Mariah kept her eyes on the floor. Her emotions attempting to keep in place.

"Maybe you should have taken my head."

Her words caused Tywin to turn on a dime and glare at her. What had she just said to him?

"What did you just say?"

"I said maybe you should have taken my head. Then it would have saved me from -- "

"From what? From a life of soon to be luxury? A life where you're no longer a Bastard and become a Lannister? What could you possibly -- "


She interrupted with her shout. Tywin's lips pushed together. His blood began to boil.

"Tyrion and you will not -- "

"I wasn't talking about your son!"

She spat causing Tywin to grow silent. Mariah scoffed and held out her arms on either side of her body.

"These past few months you've treated me as if I wasn't a Bastard. You've dressed me, fed me, even allowed me to learn from you."

She said stepping forward in a rush. Tywin rose from his chair to meet her looking down to her. She looked up at him, her tears finally spilling over.

"You could have taken my head, but instead you've taken my heart, Lord Tywin."

And then it pained her. Tywin looked away quickly muttering "no" as if he couldn't believe this. She sniffled his actions causing her heart to break even more than before.

It was true. Somewhere along the way she had fallen for this man. This man who had treated her as nothing but s lady. She had somehow managed to over look the fact that he had been willing to kill her. That he had imprisoned her in the keep.

Stepping backward a bit Mariah held her breath as she turned her back to Tywin and rushed for the door. He didn't attempt to stop her nor did he say anything to prevent her from leaving.

He allowed her to go.

Tywin Lannister | She Could Never Be His | Game of ThronesWhere stories live. Discover now