Chapter 2

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Danny's POV

It passed a week since the fight, and I was feeling really lonely right now without my best friend, I wish Lilli Cooper would be here to help me, but she leave the show last month and I need someone to console me, because I feel sad and broken now without my Team of Tres, then I came to Wesley to chat with him about this situation and getting some advice about how to fix my friendship

- ''So.... you and Ethan fought because of a speaker joke?'' Wes said

- ''Yeah, first it was funny at the beginning, but later making it many times, it's annoying'' I said

- ''Okay, first, that's ridiculous and dumb that you both risked your friendship over a joke'' Wes said

- ''Yeah, but Ethan took it like it was serious because I told him that he was obssessed with his speakers, telling him that he care more about a sound device instead of me, and then he got mad at me and we ended our friendship'' I said

- ''But it passed a week, shouldn't you and Ethan make up and move on?'' Wes said

- ''I tried, but everytime I go to his dressing room and knock his door, he saw me and he starts closing the door in my face'' I said with a tear

- ''Oh, I understand you, look, if you want to win his friendship back you have to apologize for destroying his speaker'' Wes said

- ''I tried too, but he still doesn't want to talk to me, he ignores my messages on every media and my Facetime calls'' I said

- ''Or you can talk to his fiancee?'' Wes said

- ''Yeah, if Ethan can't talk to me, his fiancee may convince him to talk to me, Wes you're a genius'' I said

- ''An evil genius, as my character is'' Wes said

- ''You're'' I said hugging Wes as I walk away from Wes's dressing room to talk to Ethan's fiancee

While in Ethan's House.....

I knocked the door and I see that it was only Lilly there, so I say hello to her

- ''Oh hey Danny'' Lilly said

- ''Hey Lilly, is Ethan there?'' I asked her

- ''Umm.... he's not here, he's at the Theatre right now, by the way, you shouldn't be there for the show?'' Lilly said

- ''Yeah, but I need your help, the problem is that I got a big fight with your man'' I said explaining to Lilly

- ''Really? Come in'' Lilly said

- ''Thank you'' I said entering to the house, as I told her all the incident that happened between me and Ethan to see if she can solve me something

- ''Didn't he told you?'' I asked her

- ''Yeah, he told me that you and him got into an argue because you told him that he was getting a obssession problem with his speakers and then you destroyed one of them'' Lilly said

- ''I know, he took it too far with this speakers thing, I wish to help him'' I said

- ''Me too, but why you haven't talk to him?'' Lilly said

- ''I tried, but I can't because he doesn't want to speak to me, that's why I came to you, so you can talk to him and convince him to talk to me'' Danny said

- ''I would love to help you, but I still don't know if he will listen to me'' Lilly said

- ''Of course he will, he's your man and soon your new husband, he has to listen to you, but please make this favour to me, I want my best friend back'' I said begging to Lilly as she finally accepts

- ''Okay, fine, I'll convince Ethan to talk to you'' Lilly said

- ''Really? Thank you so much, you're amazing'' I said hugging her

- ''Okay, calm down, if Ethan saw us, he'll be mad at us'' Lilly said laughing as I stopped hugging her

- ''Okay, I'll stop, I have to go now, but please talk to him for me, please'' I said leaving throught the door

- ''I will, I promise'' Lilly said

- ''Thank you, hope we can fix this'' I said moving the door knob

- ''Me too, besides his speakers jokes are kinda funny'' Lilly said

- ''Really? How can you stand him?'' I said to Lilly

- ''I'm his woman, I love everything of him, even his humor sense'' Lilly said laughing as I walk away from the house

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