Chapter 5

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Danny's POV

Now that Ethan is leaving the show, I was crying in my dressing room because I'm officially losing my best friend, and this time is forever, as I was in front of my mirror with my teared red eyes while looking at my pics with Ethan on my phone, pics during the 6 years our friendship lived through since ''New Mayor of New York'' the web series we worked together long time ago, the day we got casted in Spongebob, and the IG stories we made together in his dressing room, I was really spreading many tears of how much we had fun together, I was really broken inside thinking that it was my fault this happened, until Lilli came to me consoling me of how sad I was for all the incident that happened to me and Ethan

- ''Lilli! It's great to see you again'' I said sobbing

- ''Hey Danny, are you okay?'' Lilli asked me with a worried face

- ''Yeah, I'm okay, I'm just here..... reprising the scene (I Guess I) Miss You'' I said with a sad raw voice

- ''You miss Ethan right?'' Lilli said

- ''Yeah, more than anything'' I said with many tears

- ''Come here Pat'' Lilli said hugs me hard while sobbing

- ''It's my fault, really my fault'' I said hugging Lilli while crying in her shoulder

- ''It's not'' Lilli said conforming me

- ''It is, if it wasn't for my comments I yelled to Ethan about his speaker, he wouldn't be leaving'' I said still sobbing

- ''I know, but everything happens for a reason, those comments were because you wanted Ethan to stop making the speaker jokes and change, right?'' Lilli asked me

- ''Yeah, I just want Ethan to stop being inmature with those speaker jokes he always do, and I told him to change it, but he got mad at me for saying that, and I destroyed his speaker in the wall, and after what happened today, I'm really regretting for doing it and now Ethan hates me'' I said

- ''He doesn't hate you'' Lilli said

- ''He does, he say it in my face after he said that he will quit'' I said

- ''Okay, maybe he doesn't hate you, he just having a tense week because of his role or something, he told me that'' Lilli said

- ''Yeah, sure, a tense week'' I said not believing in him

- ''Look, everyone is worried about what is happening with you and Ethan, and I'm here to help, so come on'' Lilli said pulling me from my chair while taking my hand

- ''Where are we going?'' I asked her as she takes me out of my dressing room

- ''We're going with the others to talk about this, go there, and I'll catch you there'' Lilli said as I went to the other side of the hallway, while she goes to Ethan's dressing room

While with Ethan....

Ethan's POV

I was still packing my stuff to go, until Lilli came to my door by surprise and I was happy she was here, as she wants me to come with her to solve the conflict between me and Danny

- ''LILLI!'' I said hugging her strongly

- ''Ethan! I missed you so much'' Lilli said hugging me back

- ''How's Tootsie going?'' I asked her about her musical

- ''Good, we're making rehearsals and later prepare everything to go to Chicago'' Lilli said

- ''Awesome, wishing you good luck'' I said smiling at her

- ''Yeah, anyway, why are you packing your stuff right now? It isn't September yet'' Lilli said

- ''Because I'm leaving'' I said

- ''Why are you leaving? Did you got a job or a new musical callback?'' Lilli said

- ''No, I'm leaving because....'' I said as she stoped my talking

- ''Is it because of Danny right?'' Lilli asked me

- ''Yeah, Danny is the reason, he ruined my speaker, then our BFF number, I'm so done with him'' I said

- ''Maybe it was a accident, but you should give him another chance'' Lilli said

- ''How are you sure it was an accident? I saw him that he footstepped and pushed me on purpose, to make me look bad in front of the audience'' I said

- ''We don't know maybe it was or it wasn't, but we don't know, but let's go find out'' Lilli said as she takes my hand and started taking me out of the dressing room

- ''Where are we going?'' I asked her while she pulls my arm

- ''We're going with the others to talk about it'' Lilli said still taking me to the rest of the cast

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