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You look so beautiful..

A tear rolled down his cheeks as he stared at the boy laying next to him.

Remember when you would fake being asleep just to cuddle with me? Can we do that again?

He asked again as he leaned closer to the boy letting his tears flow down his cheeks, the gentle hand of his lover wiping his cheek as gentle as he could, as if jimin was made of glass and he may break any time, he tried wiping his tears but failed as more tears fell.

I love you jimin

The boy mumbled as he smiled showing his bunny teeth to the crying boy, jimin smiled widely as he reached to wipe the tear that managed to slip down the boy eye.. but his smile disappeared.. just like the boy that was laying in front of him.

It's all my imagination..
you are no longer here.. jungkook.. I miss you..
and it pains me that I can't see you anymore..

The boy cried as he closed his eyes, his hand gently caressing the spot in front of him, trying to remember the warmth he felt from the boy he loved.. he still loved.. and always will love.. but it was too cold to even remember how warm his presence made jimin feel.

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