"Dragon boy"

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Zayden pov
He was like an elf or a fairy that's what he reminded me of, a quiet forest elf with his curly brown hair. Locks of soil brown hair that wrapped around his ears and then curls hanging down around his eyes and over his nose.
He was in three of my classes and he didn't know it, he came in head low and planted himself in the middle of the class. As I lingered in the back of the class drawing on the desks and being sure to look up every once in a while to check if the teacher was looking at me.
This was the routine for every class but art

"Hey Zayden, how's it goin"
My friend Moose slung his arm around me as I walked through the halls about to ditch lunch to go see Luca Onward. "I'm headed toward the library" he snickered at that "why trying to learn to read" he teased "fuck you Moose" I shoved him sending him into the lockers. "Seriously though is this where you've been coming instead of lunch for two weeks?"
"Yeah I like it here" I said as I opened the door to the library and Luca sat at a bookshelf. His knees were spread out beside him and he stacked books. His skin was very fleshy and pink, he looked health and his hair bounced when he moved his head.

"Hello Lucas Onward" I said coming up behind his head turned to the sides before gazing up at me. He smiled brightly that almost made me laugh out loud. I ruffled his hair and sat beside him as he shelved books "so it says Gogh was really close to his brother like really close. Because he supported him, I've been googling a lot of stuff but I feel like I'm getting it wrong and I don't want to be wrong." I sighed turning pressing my back against bookshelf and so I could face Onward.
"You literally come in here to sit and talk to a kid." I looked up and Moose walked towards us making me roll my eyes.
Moose was around 6'7 and had long brown hair he had an average build maybe a little stronger. He could punch open a locker I know that, he failed 11th grade so he ended up in my grade now we're both seniors.

"Fuck off Moose, I'm busy" he chuckled and looked down at Luca. I watched Luca turn his head behind him and gazed up at Moose.
His eyes went wide after looking up at him, he looked at me in worry and then back at him. "Hey Mouse how goes it" Moose says leaning down all the way almost touching noses. Luca backed away hitting his head in the shelf making a few books shake. "Stop it you're making him nervous shit head" he laughed standing back up to slide down and sit with us.
"So what are we talking about?" He asked looking between us I rolled my eyes "Van Gogh and his brother" "Van Go who?" He asks confused. Luca stands up higher on his knees to pull out a book and hands it to Moose. Moose flips through it as we keep talking "so your mom still wants to meet me?" I asked a little smug like.
He nodded shyly before returning to his book stacking, his mom asked to meet me tonight for dinner and Luca had poked around the subject all night. "Alright I'll be there after school and we can hang out ok?" He nodded being a smile on his face.

After that me and Moose went to go fuck around in the halls instead of going to class. I only attend the ones with Luca Onward because he's fun to be around. He doesn't judge me for all my tattoos even the ugly ones. He doesn't wanna know any juicy story's or shame me for only being able to read at a 8th grade level. He doesn't do that shit he just looks up at me with his brown eyes and stares at me like in the coolest shit he's ever seen.

"Hello Zayden, how was school my name is Sarah" I looked around his house it had a staircase in the middle of the hall and you saw the kitchen. The living room was on the left of the kitchen and their rooms were to the right. I didn't look anywhere else trying to to be rude, I would've gladly walked into every room and looked in every drawer. But I felt the need to make a good impression, it felt important that his mom liked me for some reason.

"Hello school was good thank you for having me."

She was really pretty she has tattoos on her arms and legs that looked more like a second skin that actual tattoos they were so beautiful. She had long hair down to her waist with a few streaks of grey in it.

"No problem, how was school Lucas" she asked turning her head to Luca, I tried not to stare wondering how he would response to his mom.
He's spoken a few words here and there to me but I've never heard him speak fully, but I was ok with that.
"Good" he says lowly his mom eyes him and then sighs nodding accepting the answer. After that he loosens up some and darts up to his room for change out of his school clothes.

His mom offers me a drink and she sits on the couch with me. She checks to make sure he's still in his room before looking back at me. "He's very excited to be friends with you. Says your like a character in a book. Like a cool kid, says your names like a Dragon Boys name. A main character."

That made me chuckle no ones ever seen me as something like that. Just a trouble kid not going anywhere in life but Luca is really starting to raise my ego a little bit.

He came out out in a little sweatshirt and some basket ball shorts. He sat in the couch a little stiff, I chuckled at him his brown hair all wispy around his face in desperate need for a haircut. "Hey Luca Onward"
"Hi" he whispers looking carefully at his Mom.
She must've looked a certain type of way because he continued.
"Hello Zayden D-Davis" he says, the sentence coming out soft like he was testing his voice to the air.
"Well boys I'm going to make Dinner, we're eating pizza, homemade."
I nodded and me and Luca sat back on the couch. He flipped through the tv looking at me to check and see if I wanted to watch what ever it landed on. But I just shrugged and smirked at him making him furrow his brows and flip some more.

Finally we stopped on a show, but I didn't know what. I could focus on that, I could only focus on how close he was too me.

How really, really close he was.
Why did he smell like peaches?

Why do I feel the need to hold him.

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