Chapter 5 Find Your Strength

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Kamryn: Hunny can we talk

Eric: Sure about what

Kamryn: We walk around like the perfect couple but baby the only thing we know how to do right is make love and we both know that's not enough

Eric: Kam I love you more than anything *raps arms around her*and I will do anything to patch up the hole in your heart I know you are upset but honey we can still adopt and no matter what happens I'm going to stay right by your side

Kamryn:I love you to Hunny *smiles*

Eric:Hey I almost forgot I have to go get our pizza

Kamryn:Okay baby hurry back

*hour later*

Kamryn:Where the hell is he

*phone rings*


Police:Hello ma'am are you Eric's wife

Kamryn:Yes I am what's going on

Police: Eric was involved in a fatal car accident he is located at Lane Brant Hospital

Kamryn: Oh my GOSHHH *drops phone* *runs to the car*


Doctor:How's the patient

Nurse:He is in ICU

Doctor:The only option is to put him in a surgery

Nurse:I guess so



Jayla:Baby where the remote

Brandon: I got it

Jayla: Baby turn it up

Tv: There was a fatal accident the victims were Eric Bruse...

Jayla: Omg we have to go to the hospital, Tamia!

Tamia:What's going on

Jayla:The news said that Eric was in a fatal accident we have to get to the hospital

Tamia:Oh gosh what about the kids

Brandon: I'll watch them you two just go

Jayla: Thank you baby *kisses him*

*Runs to the car*

*Pulls up to the hospital*

*Walks in*

Jayla:You see her

Tamia:There she is

*kamryn is in tears*

Jayla:What did the doctors say

Tamia:Yea what they say

Kamryn:They said its a 50 percent chance he might make it

Jayla:Oh Hunny *hugs* it will be alright just pray Hunny

Tamia:*hugs* We are with you sweetheart you aren't alone

Doctor:Are you Bruse's wife?

Kamryn:Yes, yes I am

Doctor:Well I've got good news and bad news, good news he is gonna be alright, and the bad news is that we have to do a surgery on his heart and that could be very fatal

Kamryn:*tears up* Okay Doc when you perform this surgery?


Kamryn: Okay *tears pour down Kamryn's eyes*

Jayla:I'm staying

Tamia:Me to

Kamryn: No I just need to be alone an think please

Jayla:Okay love you call me if you need me for anything and I mean anything call us I'm serious

Tamia:Call us Kam foreal

Kamryn; Okay I will bye

Tamia and Jayla:Bye we love you


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