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Being a boyfriend is hard.

                        Especially when you hate soccer and your boyfriend is the soccer team captain.

                                I just sit there watching shirtless guys running around trying to kick a freaking ball. Talk about abuse. Poor ball. The only thing which is keeping me here is Zayn, but something's wrong, that much is obvious.

                            And I corner him after his practice is over, looking at him with concerned eyes and a frown.

     "Are you okay?" I ask, gently.

                             "Yeah, why?" he asks, rubbing his hip, right over the bruise.

      I cross my arms and let out a frustrated sigh. "Because the soccer team captain was only walking alongside his teammates, not even running! This had never happened before!"

    He doesn't reply.

                    I calm myself down slightly. "I am worried sick about you, Zayn! You are not acting like yourself lately! What the hell is wrong with you?! Just go see a doctor! You are unwell! Anyone can see that!"

             "I will." Zayn reassures.

                             Another lie.

[ A/N :
       I guess it's pretty obvious now what's wrong with Zayn, right? Only one of you have guessed at once what's the real reason! I am not telling the name until later because I don't want you guys spamming her with messages asking the reason, lol.
               Moreover, no spoilers haha ;)
       Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter!
                                 Love ya!
                                 ~ S ]

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