12 - The Freedom

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Ohm showed up at his CEO's office on Monday morning. The CEO still wanted an answer. There was too much at stake. 

'So you've managed to get away from your schedule to play hide and love games huh?' The CEO began.

'I assure you that such incident will not repeat as long as I am still with this company. But this does not mean, I will stop going out to see my boyfriend.' There he said it. Loud and clear confession.

Taken aback, the CEO swirled around and drilled a hole through Ohm with his intense glare. Ohm didn't flinch. The confidence was one of the side effects of being with Mick. It showed. It stayed. It challenged the CEO. 

'So its true... I truly have nothing against your sexual orientation but your fans... they will put you through hell. You know what Noh had to go through when he declared his love for his boyfriend.  No.. no... no... I can't have that happen. Let's think this through with a calm and logical mind...' 

'I already did..' snapped Ohm, cutting off the harassed CEO. The CEO didn't know how to argue with this lovesick artist who just didn't care about his reputation or the company's. He was a music genius and had little or no interest in the commercial or social aspects of music business.He would do well, wherever he went - with or without the agency. Ohm had a lot of artists asking to collaborate with them. The CEO knew Ohm had the upper hand in this case and he would have to softly and carefully negotiate with him. It would take some time.

Ohm had stormed out before the CEO could put his thoughts into words. Outside the cabin, Ohm sighed with relief for finally coming out of the closet with the CEO. He was also aware of the troubles that was mentioned and felt a tad bit sorry for the big man inside. But he wasn't going to kowtow now.. the friction had begun. 

While Mick on the other hand, flew back to his town and yes, it was big news for the folks there too. 'Mick? Boyfriend of a singer?' 'Who knew Mick was capable of such a thing?' 'What about his marriage?' 'Poor Mary.. what is she going to do?' ... and the gossip never quite died down. Mick was on the hot seat and Mary on the next. While Mary shut herself most time at home, they couldn't avoid the church crowd on Sundays. They were at their best poker-face act. 

At their breakfast table, Mary asked Mick to drive her to the airport the next day. She needed a break and probably will meet him once the papers are through. Mick knew Mary held out as long as she did. Mick nodded in silence. It was getting harder to sleep under the same roof. 

Once Mary reached her parent's place in Bangkok, Mick got busy re-arranging the house. He threw the things he never used. No flowers or flowery curtains. He was going to live the last few months in a bachelor pad before he moved to the city for good. During spare time, he would catch up on rumors about Ohm's termination with the agency, his very rare appearance on stage and even rarer paparazzi photos of him. Ohm was really laying low and would call up Mick after his schedule whenever possible. Ohm wanted to reassure Mick that he was OK and wanted to know if Mick was OK too. The noise would take a few more weeks to die down. The fans wanted Ohm to come out of the closet through an official statement while the agency denied him that. It was a tussle and Ohm was almost at his wit's end.

Nohm band was the talk of the town because of Ohm's issue. Ohm had to turn down many offers to guest on programs because the CEO thought it was a bad idea. Mick was driving to school when he turned up the news radio, '... and it wasn't enough that Nohm's Ohm was drunk on his way out of the club but he also punched one of the journalists who was trying to get a statement out of him. Ohm is currently at the police custody for the assault. Things aren't looking good for the Nohm lately... ' Mick switched off the radio in a daze. Ohm was not okay as he claimed. He was venting it out, badly and publicly. 

After Ohm was released from the custody, he was taken straight to the CEO's office and he found his other members already waiting. The CEO blew his top off at the chain of events that marred the name of the company and dragged down their valued in the market. They had to let go of Ohm. It was the day Ohm was waiting for. It was happening and he couldn't wait to sign those termination papers. 

Mick talked to Phun over the phone when he couldn't get hold of Noh or Ohm. Mick understood how it all came to be and he wasn't surprised at all. Late at night, Ohm called Mick and explained the situation. 

He asked, 'Mick, are you ready? I am a free man now. I can't wait to see you love. When can you fly down?'

Mick was happy but a little confused because things were happening too fast. He said he would get back with flight confirmation in a couple of days. Ohm couldn't wait another day. He flew over to Mick the very next day and surprised Mick in the wee hours. 

Mick went to meet him at the hotel he was staying and they didn't waste time. The taste of freedom was intoxicating and they got drunk just being in each other's arms that night.

Mick began, 'You really got me worried. Don't ever do that again. Beating up a journalist? Really Ohm? I thought those days were over. Promise me that you'll never get into another public scandal, ever again. No matter how much they get on your nerves.. you will never ever create a scene like that. Can you promise me that?'

Ohm was half eyes closed and he murmured, 'Mick, I'm sorry if I got you worried here. I lost it when that journalist dug up stories about my past and he said he was coming to interview you here and get the full story out. That's when I lost it and I couldn't control myself. I was sick worried about you.'

Mick pulled the big bear closer and Ohm snuggled under Mick's chin. There were words that never had to be spoken because they understood. They lay half awake - afraid, it would just be a dream when they woke up. Ohm had a lot of unsettled matters back in the city but for the next few days, he decided to dedicate himself to the man he loved without worrying about the future. He was going to lavish his new found freedom on the sleeping angel next to him.

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