Intro Scene: Beyond The Surface

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*Intro Song Above*

*Make sure to show that channel some love. It's from KidsWorldTV.*



Previously on Mech X4....

Watching the robot blow to smithereens, the team knew they had won. It was over. Tregear at long last was defeated. Now all that needed to be done was figuring out a way to get back home. They had to wait on Seth for that. Feeling satisfied and pleased, the crew exchanged high fives in victory. Although, they had lost not just a machine, but a friend.

"I feel disconnected to the robot." Ryan spoke in sadness.

"Yeah, it wasn't just some battle bot." Mark agreed while patting his brother's shoulder.

"Mech X4 was like a second home to us." Harris chimed in, missing the heroic figure.

Spyder nodded as the female brains of the team sighed.

"You know before Mech X4 came into our lives, I was just a witty loner. Harris was a hyper competitive weirdo," V listed off the team, with Harris looking back and forth between everyone, "Spyder was destined to clean toilets inside of restaurants, Mark had already peaked, and Ryan was practically invisible-"

"Is this going anywhere?" Ry cut her off.

Veracity only smiled.

"Well yeah it's everything I would've written inside of your yearbooks before the robot brought us together." She concluded.

The guys all smiled and nodded.

"So, what happens now?" Mark asked.

His little brother turned back to face the dark, stary sky from the space station where it all went down. It was peaceful. With a shrug, he gave his older brother an answer.

"I have no idea," Ryan replied, "but whatever it is, we'll be ready for it."


How this was possible could make anybody's head spin. While everyone else on Earth was celebrating being released from control, somebody was watching the scene. He shook his head, disappointed with the results. As much as he loved that this place was safe, his hatred grew for Harper. He couldn't understand how that Walker kid could let him on the team. Yes, he knew. He was aware of Mech X4. He didn't have to guess who they were. He knew...because he was part of it once.
Now you may be asking yourself how in the world does this guy have a clue that Mech X4 was a bunch of teens? Well we can't give away that much information now can we? What can be said about this guy is that he has a power of his own. He knows the strength and weaknesses of these heroes. Victory would always be short for them it seems. It's sad, but not his problem. The only thing he's concerned about is one of them. The one who doesn't realize how amazing he truly is.

"Oh please," the guy spoke to himself, "the world hasn't seen anything yet."

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