Ch. 4

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*(The bolded names that are underline indicate who's point of view it is and who is speaking. I'm mentioning this in case you're confused.)*

Ryan Walker's POV:

I was supposed to be happy and enjoying the fact that, finally, it was over. And I was feeling that way for a while, but now? Now it feels like I lost something, as if part of me was gone. It's like being homesick. Mech X4 was a second home to us. I remember Harris saying that when we were lost in space and he was right. I did not want to bring it up because why would I? Everyone else is so excited to have their lives back and I used to be the biggest advocate for that. Why should I be the one to squash it? Why ruin the peace that we fought for? I can't do that. That would be selfish of me and clearly we have all seen what happens when I'm selfish. Does Brazil ring any bells? It does not matter how I feel about this because everyone else is happy and rightly so. Still though, I don't know if I can imagine my life without Mech X in it anymore

Harris Harris Jr.'s POV:

I am glad that I do not have to deal with those jerks at Bay City East anymore. They were horrible to us. That and being controlled by Tregear, which was also very unpleasant. Although, as much as I want to say that life feels normal...I can't. Please do not tell anyone this. I miss Mech X4 a lot, I really do. I remember all of the times we had in there and when any of us want to just relax and get away from school, we could go there instead of home. What the hey, it was like home. I wish we could get it back. I know, it sounds like it as been ten years or something. I know it is not and I am sorry, but that is how it feels.

Mark Walker's POV:

Finally! Screw Wade and his varsity friends, the king is back baby! I was so ready to step up as captain again. When principal Dalton said that since our school was blown up and our rivals were, well, our rivals, we had a chance to tryout again for out team. I killed it, no shocker there. All of my friends did. I was surprised that we all stayed in good shape. I thought it was just me and Jalen, but the guys crushed it too. And as much as that would've been awesome to automatically be back on the team I think we can all agree that working for what you want is more satisfying.
I was soaking it up, letting people chant my name again felt like the Grammys. I love it, but, oh man this is going to sound lame. I really miss kicking butt behind the scenes. Staying up late on school nights just to save the city or, chilling in the lounge to catch up on sportsl. I even missed being on a team with those shorties. Mech X4 was pretty legit. No one else knew who were the pilots. It was like those movies when the good guy had a secret identity. Oh crap, that's every DC, Marvel, X-Men, and every superhero movie ever been created isn't it? Wow. Bottom line is, I really want Mech X back.

Veracity Campbell's POV:

I am not one to be sentimental about things. I was never that way since birth. It is just, my life changed when Mech X came into it. I did not have many friends, save Olivia, and some people did not even notice me. Being on the team made it all worth it. I would not care about how people saw me or how they would look at me. I liked how deep down that I knew I was helping them out in ways they could not understand. It was unbelievable. And now, it's all over. It only felt like yesterday that I got stepped on by a gigantic foot and shot through an elevator with Hairbear. Reaching the top and being asked to join the team. Not to mention being the most mature person of the group. I love them but let's face it, they are not the brightest sometimes. Overall, life without that robot feels...odd.

Spyder Johnson's POV:

Well, I'm bored, I really am. Seriously, we have no classes this week. I'm not complaining on that part, I'm just saying that I really want to go out and do something. Right now, I could be using that big flat screen monitor in the robot to play Fornite. I love that game. The lounge had an awesome couch too man. I spent most of my nights there. It was my home away from home. I can't remember how life was without it. I miss it.
I don't miss the monsters though. They were ugly and annoying. I just want to take that robot out for a joy ride and fly around the city or something. It would be so much fun. Me and Ryan have been planning on it. We didn't know to save everyone, something had to give. In this case, it was Mech X. Okay I'm not gonna cry and stuff, but still, I really miss Mech X4.

End Of POV:

Looking down at the floor, the male technopath had kept the Mech link each member had. It was mainly for Harper purposes and he wanted a piece of the battle bot to remember by. That's when another person came to mind. Leo. The team had kicked him out when they thought he was the one who was trying to blow them up. In reality, it was Harris being mind controlled. And with them being busy on saving the world, they didn't have time to contact him. That was a big regret. Maybe that's why his mood was not as high as it was earlier.
He wondered what he was up to and if he had a grudge towards the team. He wouldn't blame him if he did. It was all his fault. He should've stuck up for him instead of side with the others so quickly. Although he knew Mark would try to pull him back and convince him on why he was the culprit. Evil Harris had laid out the clues pretty well so it was hard to defend him. Still, that was no excuse. Now he lost not one, but two friends.

"Hey skater buddy." A female joined him outside on one of the picnic tables.

The former team leader saw her and flashed a somber smile. He replied with a, "hey."

His friend noticed him seeming a little down and became concerned.

"Are you okay?" Yasmin asked.

"I guess." Ryan answered her as he played with his Mech link.

"You guess?" Yasmin questioned, "that's not a clear answer. What's going on?"

Ryan, being unable to push her away, turned to her and explained, "I had this friend and he was important to me, still is. We were kind of close, but..."

"But what?" Yasmin inquired.

"We got into a fight before the whole Red Bloom thing," Ryan told her, "I haven't seen him since then and I don't know where he is."

Yasmin gave him a solemn reaction as she sat closer to him. He continued to vent, "I mean, I was wrong, completely. I don't know if he'll ever wanna see me again after how I treated him and if I'll get the chance to apologize. I can't let him think our friendship meant nothing because of some argument."

"Whatever went on in that fight, he knows you were only trying to do the right thing." Yasmin answered back.

"You don't know that." Ryan disagreed.

"But I know you, and you wouldn't do something without thinking of others first." Yasmin said.

The former pilot locked eyes with her for a moment and allowed her words to sink in. He broke the contact and looked down at the concrete. His friend grabbed the Mech-link and asked, "do you keep phone numbers on this?"

"Yeah." Ryan replied.

"Do you still have his number?" Yasmin questioned.

The male skater stopped for a second and realized, "I don't remember if I ever took it out."

"Well, why don't you give him a call?" Yasmin suggested.

"He's not gonna talk to me." Ryan doubted.

Yasmin shrugged as she stated, "there's no shame in trying," She then sprung up and grabbed her board, "I gotta run, my mom is picking me up early, I'll see you at five."

Ryan waved at her a little as she took off. Her advice caused a small smile to surface. Once she had disappeared, he stood up and walked over to a small corner in the back of ths building. He turned on the Mech link and tapped on the communication icon and dialed for the older scientist. That is when he waited for an answer. And waited, and waited, and waited, get the picture. It went straight to voicemail. Ouch. He understood though and instead of trying again later, he left a message.

"Hey," the teenage boy started, "I'm sorry. We found out it was Harris who planted the bomb. Tregear was controlling him. Veracity figured it all out. It was crazy and I want you to know that we...I should've believed you," he sat down in the grass and sighed, "you were right. You were right the whole time and we all just ignored you because we were shocked. And it sucked to think that you were behind this. I don't want you gone and out of our lives. You saved me before I could talk. In a way, I owe you one. A big one. Please don't hate us. Please come back. It's not the same if you're not here. And I'm really, really-"

The voicemail only went but so far. It cut off before he could finish.

"-sorry." Ryan stopped as he looked out in front of him.

He put the link back on and stood up. His back went up against the wall, along with his mind preoccupied by everything else.

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