Ch.7 (Final Scene)

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"Great! Just great!" Morris remarked in sarcasm.

He smacked the table.

"How in the world is that robot back? It blew up in space," Grey inquired in anger. She looked over at Seth, who wasn't sharing that same reaction as they were, "was this a trick? Did you set us up?"

"Hell no," Seth retorted while he crossed his arms, "that's too obvious. Haven't you two met me? Pure genius over here."

"Yeah, you surprise people sometimes," Morris agreed. He sighed, "so how do we take this thing down? Tregear's gone and he was a huge asset to the team."

"Breaking up the team from the inside didn't work, blowing up the robot didn't work, and taking the love ones associated with the pilots didn't work," Grey listed. She shook her head, "those are key factors. If they survive that, we have to hit hard."

Harper was quiet. There was no way he was going to suggest anything. He couldn't hurt those kids. Not again. A light bulb suddenly went off in one of the antagonists heads. He turned his head and smiled at the bad guy gone good.

"You have to tell him." Morris decided.

Harper raised an eyebrow.

"Tell who what?" He queried.

"Him," Morris emphasized, "break him. Do whatever you can. You were bad once, you can do it again."

"No way," Harper refused, "much as I love a good plot twist, he doesn't need to know."

"Or you can tell your best friend instead, I don't really care," Morris continued, "Either way, he needs to know. You're gonna be looked upon as an insult anyway. Why not throw this into the mix?"

Seth glared at him.

"It'll be fun." Grey sided with Morris.

"How is this gonna be fun?" Harper inquired.

"Fun for us," Morris clarified, "not for you. Face it, you've been a screw up since day one and you're still one now. He hates you. They all do."

"And while you're at it, try coming up with new ideas," Grey added with a smile, "because not cooperating with us only makes it worse for both of you."

With a heavy sigh, the billionaire knew he was going to seriously loathe this.


Harris was busy scanning his bud. He was laying down on the bed while the others stood around him. The oldest of the five however was sitting down in a chair. It didn't take long for the problem to be found. The female brains of the team had been busy patching up the bruised body part.

"Your vitals are okay and your blood flow isn't too rapid," Harris spoke up, which got the attention of the group, "but thank god we got you to the bed in time. You would've lost a lot more blood than that if we didn't."

The youngest Walker family member didn't respond as Veracity finished wrapping him up.

"Why didn't you tell us about your powers?" Spyder quickly asked.

His friend let out a sigh and shrugged.

"I didn't want you guys to know," Ry admitted, "I mean, I didn't think I would have to use them again anyway. Besides you were all happy about your normal lives and I didn't wanna ruin that."

He waited for one of them to reply, but none of them did. This puzzled the young technopath.

"What?" Ryan questioned, "why aren't you guys-"

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