Chapter 9

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Minghao's POV

I guess I should apologize to Hyena. I know it's my fault too. I went back to class but she wasn't there so I walked around school to find her and there! She was at vending machine with Inha. Before I reached her, I heard the conversation between them.

"Hyena, I've been wondering this. So I think I would like to hear the real answer from your own mouth." Inha pressed the button on the vending machine.

"What are you talking about?" She chuckled as she opened the can.

"Do Minghao?" I was completely shocked as I heard my own name. At the same time, I was curious of what Hyena would reply after.

"What kind of question is that? What makes you think that I like him?" She replied.

"Well as you can see, he stop bully you and you seem to care a lot about him." Inha kept on teasing her.

"What? No, Inha. You should stop overthink about it." Her answer broke my curiousity of her feeling towards me.

"You know what, Chan actually has a crush on you. Since you don't have any feeling on Minghao, why not you try to date Chan?" Inha chuckled.

"Huh, Chan?" She laughed as well.

I shouldn't have listen to their conversation. Now I've knew Hyena's feeling towards me is nothing since at first. I decided to leave but my phone accidentally slipped from my hand.

"Eo? Minghao?"

Hyena's POV

I really couldn't tell Inha the truth so I lied by saying that I don't have any feelings toward Minghao. But unexpectedly it turned out to be Chan has a crush on me. What kind of twist plot is this?

As I finished took a drink for Siyeon, I was stopped when Inha suddenly said; " Eo? Minghao?" I turned to him. He was picking up his phone and took steps foward without a word left his mouth.

Did he heard everything? What if he gets misunderstand from what I said?

"Minghao, wait!" I stopped him.

"It's fine, you don't have to explain. Even if you hate me, I don't mind." He continued walking.

"Minghao, listen to me first." I failed. At least for once, I hope he would turn back but no. He ignored me.

Maybe this was what he felt when I didn't give him a chance to explain yesterday. This might be my biggest regret. For not explaining the truth.

I really hope everything would go pleased. As what I imagine, tomorrow Minghao will come to school like nothing happen and he will nicely treat me. He's that kind of person who don't care about such nonsense. But it was just in my imagination.

Everything changed by my words. He stopped coming to school for the whole week. I have no idea where he is since there's no news about his doing or where about.

The place beside me had always belonged to Minghao. Since he had been disappeared for too long, only the empty feeling left here.

Minghao's POV

I turned off my phone because of the notification of Hyena's texts. She might look for me just because of school's work or anything relate. Maybe what Chan said was true.

"Why are you so concern about her? You're not her boyfriend, right? Even she said you both are nothing. Stop daydreaming, Minghao. You care about her while she never care about you. Is it a one-sided-love?"

When I clearly heard from Hyena's mouth, I finally believe it. I took my black hoodie and put on. Come to think about it again, didn't come to school make me look like a coward. I should face this mix feelings.

I entered the class and walked to my place. With my earphones on, I put my head on the table during the lesson. As the Chemistry class ended, everyone left except for me. But who knows, Hyena didn't move either.

"Minghao, where have you been?" I actually didn't play a song so of course I could hear her voice. "I know you hear me." I was still with my intention for not saying aything to what ever she would like to say.

"This is last week's notes. I hope you would read it and learn some topics from here." She put her notebooks on my table. "Minghao." Once again she called me.

"I don't like to study, you don't have to bother yourself for giving me these notes." I pushed her notebooks to her table. Exactly I am avoiding her.

"Ahh, I'm sorry." She apologized. I closed my eyes back after refused her notebooks. She would probably go to grab some food later so I can comfortablely rest alone.

"Minghao..If you feel uncomfortable sitting next to me, I can change my seat." She was too noisy.

"Forget it, you don't have to move. I will." I stood up and took my bag to other place but she stopped me.

"Why are you avoiding me this much? Do you hate me?" She stood up as well.

"Aren't you the one who hate me?" I calmly replied.

"Minghao, don't be childish." Each words that came out from her mouth made me realized, she has never care at first.

I turned to her as she finished talking. "Is liking someone too much count as being childish in your eyes?"

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