Chapter 14

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Hyena's POV

So there we were, sitting on bench at the garden and remained silent. Hansol left to canteen first. I secretly took a glance at him, and the questions started to play around in my mind.

When do you wake up? You're not fully recover, why did you come to school? How will I face you from now?

"How are you doing these days?" He questioned me first.

No answer came but questions kept on hitting me. Will it be fine to leave you in this condition?

"I'm fine. Minghao, recover well." My hand tried to touch the wound on his face. "You'll be doing fine after this, right?" A sad smile appeared.

"What are you saying?"

"Minghao, I need a distance. Let's stop here, I won't be in your way anymore." I shakingly said.

"Why are you like this? Did something happen? You're sick?" He put his right hand on my forehead, checking if I have a fever.

"No, I'm serious. You're in this condition because of me, Minghao. You're lying on hospital's bed, fighting for your life because of me." I looked straight into his eyes.

"Have I ever blame you? It's not your fault, Hyena." He's the same, only with me he spoke in soft kind of way.

"Until when are we going to keep on chasing our future? I don't believe in happy ending, Minghao. We'll never reach such thing. Why is it so hard for you to understand me too?" Please accept it, Minghao. Let's have a distance.

He blinked his eyes as he bit his lower lip. "And I don't believe in any endings, Hyena. If you keep letting your mind stay in such thought, we won't go any further." He put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, just take your time to think."

He walked away. Before he left the garden, he turned back to me. "If I die in the operation room, how long are you going to stay feeling guilty? You're going to waste your life for feeling guilty forever?"

I listened to every single words he said. Even when I raise up my voice to him, he still remain calm and talk to me in slow tone.

Minghao, what's my real feeling towards you?


After recess ended, I went back to class with Siyeon while others were already in class. I was stopped by hearing a girl's voice at emergency stairs.

"Hey, isn't that Minghao?" Siyeon spoke first.

I looked clearly and yeah, he was with a girl. That girl looks familiar. Ah, she's my classmate, Jane. This exchange student who always remain silent in class is now standing in front of Minghao and had a talk.

"Siyeon ah, let's go. There's nothing to look at." I begged Siyeon to leave as well but she didn't want to. As I took one step backward, the most unexpected word came from Jane's lip.

"I like you. I've been crushing on you for too long."

"Hyena, you sure there's nothing to look at? Don't go anywhere. Have a look, your guy got confessed by a girl! Oh come on Hyena, he just back." My guy? When did that happened?

Yeah, just as my eyes laid on them, Jane bravely hugged Minghao. She seemed to be a different person I swear. Wait, why am I babbling too much?

"You're jealous, right?" Siyeon pushed my arm a little. "Wait, do I see a tomato here? I smell jealousy." She joked by cupping my face.

"Enough, Siyeon. I'm going to class now." I sighed as I walked away from him.

"Minghao, Xu Minghao! Hyena is here!" She tried to pulled me.


I tried to cover my face as Siyeon said I was getting more and more red. Minghao walked towards us. He suddenly hugged me in front of Jane.

I'm sorry Jane, you were rejected this way. I'm so sorry.

"Jane, she's the girl that I like. I can't accept your confession because I'm also waiting for my confession to be answer by this girl." He straight forwardly said.

Wait, I felt strange. In my small thought who thinks there were only me, Siyeon, Minghao and Jane here, was that wrong? I could feel too many eyes on us. I FORGOT, we were in the hallway going to class.

Someone suddenly clapped, "Hyena, just accept him. And our kingka will be taken." Who the heck is this guy? Minghao's friend maybe.

Of every eyes staring, I notice a pair of sad eyes on me. Chwe Hansol, why you look at me that way?

Everyone came out from their class and come to cheer. What kind of mix feelings are these? Instead of heart beating so fast, I feel nervous. And somehow, scared.

Jane ran away, I understand..she must feel upset by how Minghao reject her concession. I slowly put myself away from Minghao and ran to chase Jane.

"Jane, I'm-"

"It's okay, Hyena. Nothing to feel guilty of. We can't force someone to love us. All I can do is just waiting. Hmm of course, I undertsand why he likes you. You changed Master Xu a lot, and he's willing to change because of you." She smiled.

"Ahh..really?" I awkwardly laughed.

She looked up to the sky, "Hyena yah, do you like him too?" She chuckled.

I'm almost be a murderer, how can I still stand by Minghao's side and accept to be his girlfriend? What a shame of me to do so..

"Lee Hyena, do you hear me?" She waved her hand in front of me. "I'm asking you, do you like Minghao?" She laughed over my confusion.

"I-I don't know.." I slowly spoke.

"You don't know? I thought it's something that you don't have to take time thinking. I mean, I thought you like him too..?"

I..really like him. I like him until I couldn't find a way to express it. I like him that I'm not able to control my feeling when we're together. But, I don't know.

I just don't know.

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