Chapter 26

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Hyena's POV

I took the seat next to the window in the bus. I was still spacing out until I was waken up by a sudden call. "Uh Dokyeom oppa?"

"Hyena, where are you now? I've cook for tonight's dinner. Make sure mom didn't know about this plan of ours, okay?" He excitedly said.

"I'm on my way home. Alright, brother. Don't worry, I'm good in keeping secret." After this short conversation ended, I leaned on the window to slowly sleep.

Just as I was closing my eyes, I realize that a notification came in. I checked the message I received from an unknown number?

'Minghao is in danger.
Come to save him.

Live Location'

I was so panic after getting the message. Isn't this too sudden?

What's actually happening? Is this why he didn't come to school today? Will he be safe?

All those questions kept playing in my mind. I was kinda shaking while holding my phone. "S-stop!" I requested the bus to stop as I walked near the main door. Just after the bus stopped, I immediately ran off of the bus and grabbed a taxi to the location I received just now.

"Thank you." I paid the leftover money from my purse to the taxi driver after reaching the place.

What place is this? How did Minghao end up being here? I've never seen this place before.

Besides some small and old buildings, there were nothing more than trees around and long grass. Dirty place, it was looking like no one has reach here before. I can't figure out how can Minghao be in this area.

But, letting those thoughts aside, I quickly ran towards the building. After I opened the door, I was weirded out for a second. Empty. Who said that Minghao was in danger? I turned back to left the building but something hitted me from back, making me slowly landing on the ground. I could only see a black shaddow of human walking near me before everything turned, black.

Dokyeom's POV

I kept glancing at the watch hung on the wall. It's already 5.45. Hyena said that she was on her way home but it has been one hour and 30 minutes since the call ended.

Mom's flight might've landed so I must be rushing to get her before mom reach home. I dialed Hansol's number. "Hansol ah, is Hyena with you? I've waited for her for about 2 hours already."

"Ena? No, I'm absent today. Why, hyung? She's not home yet? I don't remember having any extra class this week. But don't worry, I'll text her friends later. If I get any news about her, I'll right away call you back." He calmed me down.

"Alright, let's keep in touch until she gets home."

Hyena's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I tried to rub my eyes to clear the vision but my hands just couldn't move. They were being tied. I sat on a chair where I have two guys standing next my both side.

My wrong thoughts thinking there were just two guys, there were actually many of them in this old building. But all were unfamiliar faces. I coughed a little due to the dustes around but it was hard to do so as my mouth was being taped.

"You're awake?" Another guy came from a door. He approached me slowly. "Lee Hyena, right?"

"Who are you?" I mumbled.

"What did you say? I can't hear you." He laughed as his hand harshly pulled off the tape on my mouth. IT WAS DAMN HURT!

"Who the hell are you? What do you want from me? Why are you pulling me into a trap?" I raised my voice, standing up and tried to get close to him to let out of my anger. But I couldn't reach him beacause of the guys next to me were holding me back. They pushed me down to sit.

"Calm down, girl. You're overreact. I won't do anything bad to you, I'm not hurting a girl. After Minghao come later, I'll make sure they all send you back. Safely." He stroked my hair yet I avoided his touch.

"Why are you all aiming Minghao?" Are they all someone that Minghao knows? His old friends?

"What kind of question is that?" Another guy suddenly bursted into laugh. "Mrs Xu a.k.a Master Xu's girlfriend, let us tell you that Minghao owed us a life. But you don't have to be scared. We won't kill him, Hyena. Just a thing between mens. And your appearance here is just to pull him to confront us."

"So you all are the one who keep sending me the weird bloody stuffs and followed me that night? What has Minghao done to you all? What owe life do you mean?" I was a bit speechless. Minghao won't be killing one of them, right? He's not such type, I have to believe in him and stop imagine things.

"He didn't do anything, but his people did. In a war at club last two weeks, his people fought our boss and he was still lying on hospital bed now, fighting for his life. And after the incident, Minghao spoke nothing. He disappeared. He even dare having a girlfriend now while his people were breaking into our place.  Listen, a leader should lead his people well. Isn't he Master Xu?!" He yelled as he kicked the box beside me out of anger which made me really shocked and shaking.

"I-i will take h-his place. Take me instead." I begged them.

"How daring. Stop risking your life, girl. I don't need an outsider to involve and moreover, I'm not interested in your love matter with him. We'll settle these with him. Just give me your phone and stay backward." He reached the phone I kept in my pocket and dial Minghao's number.

"Minghao won't come! He won't!" I kept my gaze on him.

They were probably using my phone as they know he would answer to my call but not to them. "Hello, Hyena?" I was more shocked to see that they were actually doing a video call.

"Our Master Xu is here." He turned the phone screen to him. "Eyy don't be shock. I just need you to come here, to my place. Your kids broke our rules, dude."

"How did you have Hyena's phone? What did you do to her?!" Just as my name was mentioned, he turned the phone screen to me. "Hyena!"

I shook my head for several times. I was so afraid if Minghao comes later, they might do something worse to him. My worries got me sweating a lot and almost shedding tears. But I held it up, I  have to look strong in front of Minghao. I can't let him come here.

"Don't come, Minghao! Stay at where you are, please don't come here! I beg you, Minghao!" I shouted as loud as I could so that he can hear me. But the guy that was holding my phone came near me and, threw a kinda hard slap on my cheek.

"I've told you earlier not to involve in our matter. I've never hitted a girl before but you're really testing me!" He then pulled my collar up.

"Hyena, hang on!"

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