The band

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We were driving when we saw some people in a car ahead of us crash. They flipped over. We instantly stopped and we got out.

We ran to them as fast as we could.

We were yelling, "ARE YOU OKAY?" as if they could hear us.


I saw someone get out and he looked familiar. But I didn't think about it and I just kept running towards him.

He was running towards me and I noticed who it was.

It was David. One of Coles friends.

Oh no that means that the rest of them are in the car.

I run to the car and start crying. There's broken glass everywhere. I hope they're okay.

I see Will through the window and bang on it.

I run back to my car and put my purse down. I run back over to them.

And may I remind you that I'm in heels.

I don't know what to do. So I run back to my car and grab my phone and call 911.


"Hey there's a wreck on the highway" (I guess there's a highway idk) I say

"Be right there" he says hanging up.

I run back over there with my phone this time and Gabes made it out.

"Are they okay?!" I ask

"Most of them. Coles knocked out." he says.

Of course.

I start crying and get on the ground and try to crawl in. But it does nothing.

Then the police arrive

"Mam we need you to get away from the vehicle" a deep voice says

"NO! PLEASE NO!" I start screaming/crying

"Yes" he says

So they pull me away and the next thing I know I'm driving to the hospital where the band is.

I go to the front desk

"Can I see Cole Pendery?" I ask

"Are you family?" she says

"Yes I'm his girlfriend" I say just to get in.

"Okay" she gives me a wristband and I walk back to his room.

I open the door and he's awake.

I walk in.

"How are you feeling?" I ask

"Eh" he says confused

"Why are you confused" I ask

"Because I don't know you" he says

A princess? (O2l and Magcon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now