The mall

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"Soooo?" Mahogany asks

"What" I say

"Boys" she says

"Oh ya. sorry" I say "they were nice"

"Which one do you like?" she says

"I can't tell you because you won't be expecting it lol" I say

"Alright whatever" she says walking into Charlotte Russe

"So what do they do?" Izzy asks

"They're actually a band" I say

"Oh really?" Mahogany turns around

"Yeah I'm sure they'd collab with you!" I say

We went into like every store in the whole mall and we got skirts and everything we all got matching phone cases. And I got my cartilage in my ears pierced. I got a bunch of tumblr stuff.

Just then I got a call from Cole

Yes I got his number

"Hello?" I say smiling

"Hi" he says

"So whatcha doin?" I ask

"What do you think? I'm talking to you" he says

"Oh yeah" I laugh

"So what are YOU doing?" he asks

"Just got done shopping and I'm on my way out" I say

"Who's that?" Izzy asks

"Cole" I say

"Yeah?" he says

"Oh sorry Izzy was wondering who this was" I say

"Oh" he says

"Yeah" I say " well I call you later I have to drive and I can't multitask" I say

"Bye!" he says

"Bye!" I says back and hang up


Sorry it's short I'm kinda tired and I don't know what to write about

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