Part 7

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Kaycee: "Kaycee. Kaycee. Kaycee. Follow my instructions and you will be a girl with a boyfriend in only couple days" Are you happy wih the mess you made? You are responsible for this.

Tahani: I mean what happened was not planned. I admit that, but you have a date now... so I guess it kinda worked.

Tahani tried to downplay the situation. Kaycee looked furiously at her, Bailey never saw Kaycee this angry. She had a date with David today - thanks to Tahani - and the girls were at Kaycees house to help her.

Kaycee: I dont have a date.

Bailey: You are slowly losing it now.

Bailey put her hands on Kaycees shoulders and spoke to her, emphasising every word.

Bailey: Look me in the eyes .... You have a date tonight.

Bailey was waiting for her to respond, but Kaycee didnt say anything.

Bailey: Oh Gosh its worse then I thought.... Do you remember who I am?

Kaycee rolled her eyes: I know I have a date Bailey. I just dont wanna go out with David.

Tahani: Well maybe you should tell him that. He thinks you like him now... I mean you said yes to him.

Kaycee: I didnt, you did!

Tahani: Yeah, because it was part of the plan! Sean was supposed to stop you from going... I really don't understand what went wrong.

Kaycee: I could kill you right now.

Kaycee run to Tahani but Bailey stopped her before something bad could happen.

Bailey: Kaycee calm down.

Tahani: I am sorry, ok. It never happened like that in the Rom-Coms I watched. Sean supposed to get wild with jealousy, take you by the hand and tell David you are his girl and he is in love with you and he should fuck off.

Bailey: Tahaniii?!!

Tahani: Sorry. I am sorry, ok.




2 days before

After Wills class they all decided to take Alex's class together. Wills choreo helped Sean to use all of his anger and energy.

Kaycee: I am glad that you feel better now.

Sean couldnt look at her, but he knew that he owned her a apology and an excuse for his behaviour earlier on, so he came up with a lie.

Sean: I am sorry Kaycee, it's the stress of the last weeks. Its not easy to travel for so long, its just exhausting. I didnt know what I did.

Kaycee: It's fine. I am just really happy that you saved me from the dating question.

Sean felt angry again and looked at her.

Sean: I had a feeling that you didnt wanna go... Was I right?

Kaycee: Absolutely I just didnt know how to reject him nicely.

She smiled at him and Sean felt peaceful again. Her smile made rainbows and he lived for that, to see Kaycee happy and single was more than enough for him... at least for now.

Sean: Yeah I could see that. I mean you said that you aren't ready to date anyways.

Kaycee: That's not current any more.

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