Unaired Chapter #5 {Fate}

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Sabrina's POV:

For my YouTube channel my management wants me to do more fun things with Hailey and Corey and a few of my other family members. The video I did when Hailey was born was ones of my most viewed video so they want me to do a few more like that. When I was pregnant and not touring they had me go film a lot of covers and stuff like that. Now they want more family friendly, stuff that a vlogger would post.

So I have heard of these videos called Mukbangs and then I did a lot of research on them. It started in South Korea. Basically someone would just sit in front of a camera eating large amounts of food and they would be interacting with there fans. Then the youtubers started doing it and they would sit there with a few friends and basically just eat and gossip with there friends in front of a camera.

I thought I would kinda combine the two versions and have fans send me some questions on twitter while hanging out with Hailey and Ava.

I thought that it would be great to do because I have a one year old who only sits down while she eats and a six year old niece who will do whatever I want her to do.

For the video I ordered I think six pizza pies since I'm still on a tour bus and my band will get jealous if I get two little kids pizza and not them. I cut Hailey's piece of pizza into little pieces and took the cheese off and Ava's I just left. Then for the little "set" we just set up a fold out table with three chairs. Then the background was our couch on the tour bus.

Sarah was our camerawoman for today. She set the camera up and got it all ready. She is really good at that technology stuff.

She starts the video and I start talking to Hailey and Ava.

"Hi" I say to the girls.

"Hi" Ava says back.

"Hi mommy" Hailey says.

"Do you know what we're doing today?" I ask.

"We're eating pizza in front of a camera" Ava says.

"That's right. We are going to sit, talk and eat and then answer some fan questions. Does that sound fun?" I ask.

Hailey and Ava both nod there heads. Ava did it first and then Hailey copied.

"Should we start with answering a fan question?" I ask.

"Sure" Ava says.

I screenshot the ones I really liked. The first one was about Hailey.

"The question is, how many words can Hailey says and what are they" I say.

"She says whatever I tell her to say" Ava says.

"Yeah. She is like a little parrot" I say to Ava.

"She actually talks a lot for a one year old. Before we started tour we wanted to get her talking as much as she could and walking. She started walking at like eleven months old, which was mainly because of Ava. Hailey likes to copy everything Ava does and that was no different when it came to walking. Ava would also have her walk on little walkers or holding her hands. Once I figured this out I have Ava sleepover for like four days and Hailey has been a walker since then. As for talking she will repeat anything we say, which is kinda good and kinda bad. We're on tour and there are sometimes curses that are thrown around. We try not to but sometimes cursing just slips out. Ava loves to call people out when they curse. Luckily Hailey has only copied someone cursing once. Hailey has like ten to fifteen words that she says without being told by anyone. She says mommy, daddy, Ava, goody which is Goodwin, baby, she is starting to say I love you a lot. No is probably her favorite. Bye bye she says. Then she says hi. She can't say her name yet but we are working on it. When she tries to say her name it sounds more like Ally instead of Hailey. She knows what her name is and that we are talking to her when we say her name. She calls Ava my Ava a lot. Sarah was playing around with Ava. She was on the couch back here and Ava was sitting in her lap. Hailey got jealous and went to go pry Ava out of Sarah's arms. Sarah said no this is my Ava. Hailey repeated my Ava and then Sarah said no my Ava. And that went back an fourth about three more times until Sarah asked Ava who's Ava she was and Ava said Hailey's. It was really cute to watch. After that Hailey started calling her my Ava. That's really it." I say.

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