Unaired Chapter #11 {Kidnapped}

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One year later and a lot has changed. I'll start with my relationship with Corey and then tell you about the kids.

Me and Corey got engaged! It happened about four months ago so it is still pretty new. We have started wedding planning and we will have it next year at some point.

Everleigh just turned five and she is going to kindergarten in a couple weeks. She is very excited about that. She has been a big help around the house which has been very nice. She has definitely taken on the big sister roll more this past year.

Taytum and Oakley are now two and a half. They don't remember anything that happened last year which I am happy about. They have such distinct personalities now. Last year they were babies and it wasn't as easy to find personality traits.

Taytum is more shy and sensitive. She gets her feelings hurt a lot more often then Everleigh and Oakley. It's not that she gets picked on or anything it's just how she is. Having three other siblings doesn't help that very much. At certain times me and/or Corey can't be with her because we are changing a diaper or helping Everleigh with something. That's ok though. She is still very happy and loves having her siblings. Everleigh and Oakley definitely help with her over coming the shyness. At family parties and really just any social situation she will hang around me and Corey until Everleigh will come get her and make her play with them. She gets scared a lot too. All kids do but hers is kinda different. Most kids will get scared when a parent startles them or of a monster under the bed. Taytum gets scared and nervous over other stuff. One time we were rehearsing for Girl Meets World and in the scene Peyton was yelling at me for something, all acting but she was watching and thought it was real. She didn't like it and started crying and wouldn't let go of me for the rest of the day. Another time Oakley fell off the swing at the park and she didn't cry which I was surprised about but Taytum started crying about it. I think it is kinda cute, she is very protective over us.

Oakley is more adventurous and likes to get into trouble. She likes to color on the walls, I caught her squeezing out all the toothpaste all over the counter in the bathroom a few times. Then there are countless times where she has gone into the pantry and made a mess of the food. Almost every night she will climb out of her crib and go into mine and Corey's room. I think that is more of a jealously thing because we have the new baby now and she sleeps in our room. She is still so sweet even though she might do some naughty things. She's also very cuddly, another reason she probably comes into mine and Corey's bed at night.

Then there is our newest baby. We had another babygirl. We named her Penelope. She is six months old now. The girls love her and love to play with her. All she really does as of right now is sit up and the girls will give her toys and let her play with them for a couple minutes and then give her a new toy. I can tell she loves the girls. They love to make her laugh. They are trying to teach her how to crawl which is the cutest thing to watch. She has been getting a lot of tummy time the past few weeks.

As for more kids in the future, I am saying no. We already have four girls and I love them all so much. Corey however wants a boy so maybe in the future, like far future.

So Girl Meets World got cancelled, again. We were on Disney for three seasons and Netflix for three so we got a total of six. I was kinda the reason it got cancelled. We were on the last week for filming season six when I told the producers I was pregnant. They basically told me to go and raise my family and enjoy life since the show was going to be over after season seven anyway and they didn't want to continue after Taytum and Oakley got kidnapped off set. I liked that and I loved having a lot of off time to be with them.

As for singing and touring and all that, we are still taking a little break with the touring. We have been saying we are taking a break since I found out about Taytum and Oakley. I will probably start again once Penelope is a little older. I'm always making music. It's a little harder now with three girls running around and a baby but I'm working through it. They get a really early bedtime because of that. About once a week I go to the studio and all four of them will stay home with Corey for the day while I record and run through songs with my works. Sometimes I will bring Everleigh with me but it depends on what we are doing. That's one reason I liked working on Girl Meets World better. I could bring my kids to work with me.

Corey is still acting. He has been in a few movies and a tv show since Girl Meets World ended. He filmed the tv show in London so we were without Corey for a couple weeks. Penelope was about a month old at the time and having four girls especially with a new born is tough but our families helped me put a lot while he was away. He felt really bad leaving but I didn't mind. I would talk to him every night after I put the girls to bed and he would tell me how much he missed them and that made me feel bad. The girls would talk to him every morning when they woke up.

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