Chapter 11

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I opened my mouth to rebuke Ariel's point but no sound came out. Ariel was right. Of course he was right. He was always right. Ariel smiled. "Speechless, Little Wolf?"

I closed my mouth and laughed lightly. "Maybe." I teased, snuggling closer to him, suddenly not caring about the risks I might take. I felt my heart warming up to him. I had sworn off Love after James, but Love is insisting. Love made me fall for Ariel, and I'm glad it did, because he knows the exact way to bolster me up.

Alpha is the leader of a wolf pack. Little Wolf is a nickname Ariel gave me when I first announced that my Squad name would be Alpha. I nicknamed myself Alpha because I wanted to be strong after what happened with James. I told myself that I needed to be strong if I wanted to protect myself. Like how an Alpha needed to be strong to protect his pack.

Ariel's POV:

"Ok, so I'm just going to sleep like this..." Lexi said, reaching for the covers and pulling it over her body. "And me?" I asked her, my eyes shining with amusement. "I suppose you can sleep up here." Lexi smirked. I chuckled. "Are you sure you didn't drink too much?"

"Uh, I'm not so sure now." Lexi joked. "Of course I'm sure, but since you're probably going to pull an all-nighter after I fall asleep anyways, there's really no use telling you to sleep on the air mattress now, is there?" She rolled her eyes. "Alright. You got me." "Just don't skip sleep every night. It's not healthy!" Lexi scolded. I grinned triumphantly. "Night, Lexi." "Night." came a muffled reply.

I watched as her breathing slowed down, her chest rising and falling steadily. She looked so peaceful, smiling as if she was the luckiest girl in the whole world.

After looking on for a few minutes, I forced myself to look away from her and plucked my phone off the bedside table and texted George quickly.

[A/N: emojis are there coz this is texting]

A ~ george, can u get up here
G ~ No. why?
A ~ I need to grab something but lexi's sleeping on top of me
G ~ what did u guys do now😏
A ~ Nothing. Just come and help me George🙄
A ~ please
G ~ only if u fill me in
A ~ ure really an impossible case
G ~ I know I am;)

Stowing my phone away, I turned my attention back to Lexi, studying her features.

Her caramel brown hair was a mess after her crying. Her eyes were slightly swollen but she seemed to be content.

"I might get dark green highlights for my hair tip soon. What do you guys think?" She chirped. "It'll look stunning." I told her distractedly, too busy studying the depths of her honey golden eyes.

I snapped my gaze over to meet hers when I felt her shift her attention to me.

I forced down the blush rising to my cheeks, hoping that Lexi didn't catch me staring. It wouldn't do much good to us if she knew I had feelings for her, now, would it?

She gave me that coy smile. I was almost certain that my heart couldn't take it anymore. "That's a bit exaggerating." She laughed.

"Nah, fam. I'm sure it'll look great too." Ben saved me from responding.

I winced as I recalled what Lexi confessed to me just now whilst crying. What she said about James.

Of course, I knew everything about James. George had told me since day 1.

He told me that James was a playboy and he didn't want Lexi to get hurt because she's really sensitive and is very easy to break. He told me that he worries for her because all of James' past affairs all ended up the same- in the dump because he was cheating on them.

And when Lexi found out about James' other ongoing affairs and broke up with him:

"I am going to get a gun licence and I am going to buy a pistol. Then, I will hunt that guy down and put a bullet through his head. And then I'll use a machete to slice him open and feed him to the crows."

I had cut him off irritably, informing him that what he wanted to do was 200% illegal and what would be better for him was for him to go find Lexi and talk to her about James and comfort her.

"If he's really such a jerk to cheat on Lexi, then don't you think it the poor girl would be heartbroken right now? Why are you spending so much time on planning something that's illegal, instead of soughting out the poor girl and consoling her?

George had been so incredibly mad for a week straight, fuming about James. It was ridiculous because I can't even remember when was the last time George got mad for over a day.

A knock on my door brought me back to reality.

"George?" I asked. "Right here." He answered, opening the door and letting himself in. He set two cups of tea on the bedside table and sat himself down on the foot of the bed.

One glance at Lexi and he smirked at me. "I see what you meant when you said she was on you."

"You let her drink too much." I accused him. "Oh don't be so worried, Ariel. She drank three cupfuls last week and was perfectly fine. She only took a cup and a half." George said dismissively.

I gaped at my best friend horrifically. "You let her drink three cupfuls? George!"

He snorted. "You can't trap the wolf in a cage. She's a daring girl. She can do whatever she wants. I just need to make sure it's not overboard."

I gave him a stern look. "She's just 19. Too mach alcohol is bad for her." I admonished.

"Yeh, well, what did you guys talk about just now?" George pressed. "James stuff." I began. "Yeh well, I was just looking for the machete." George told me.

I threw a pillow at his head. "She does not need you to run around trying to kill James, George." I snapped in frustration. "It's not the only solution to every problem." I said, running my hand through my short, damp hair.

"I guess... But how is she?" George gestured to Lexi. "Drunk."

George raised an eyebrow at me. "She's not drunk. Just drop it already bro. She's 19, not 9." "She's upset. Her past memories with James surfaced and she's hurt. But she'll hold out." I shrugged, looking down at her.

"Our Alpha's really a tough girl. She's went through so much in just the first 19 years of her life and she's still as bubbly as before. I can't be more proud of her." George smiled. I looked at him for a moment before returning to Lexi. "You really love her as a sister, don't you?"

"You really love her as a crush, don't you?"

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