Chapter 34: Overstayed Welcome

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Chapter 34: Overstayed Welcome

When you've been locked inside your room for four days chained to the curtain rail hung around your bed things start to get quite boring. Sleeping has proven to be the most uncomfortable; I find every night I have to sleep on my right side because my arm can't take me any further if I spin to my left, instead it just hangs widely out in the open wanting to turn my body back round. I can't even sleep on my back because it's uncomfortable, I hate it. That isn't just it, at the same time every day two guards come in the room with Livy and I have to follow the same routine. They always unlock the manacle round my wrist so Livy can help me get changed from one outfit to the other and then later in the day it's the same for the bathroom, this including the use of the toilet and shower but then after all this they lock my wrist back inside the manacle locking the door behind them as they leave. I do wonder what the point is in doing all that but I guess Alesandro is trying to make a point, if he earns my respect, if I calm my attitude then he'll let me go but that doesn't change facts. His idea of letting me go is only to roam these halls of this prison when my version of letting me go is beyond the walls of Shadowwyn and travel to Los Royaux. I haven't exactly planned how that part will work yet but I need to figure out how to get out of this room first. Each and every day so far I have tugged hard against the manacle around my wrist but my hand doesn't budge, even the curtain rail doesn't move, it's as if the manacle is invincible preventing me from going any further and I kept getting agitated at it. Even my powers had no effect on it, nothing was working and I was losing my mind. They always delivered meals to me as well at the same time of every day, I don't touch any of it I snub my head away and turn my body round the other way each time to show my un-interest in the affection. I just wanted out, if they gave that to me then I'll be happy but until that happens they'll have to deal with stroppy, upset, agitated Willow and that is all they're getting. Most of my day when I've given up trying I just lie down on the bed staring vaguely towards the ceiling even though there's nothing interesting to look at, but tell me what else is there to do? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

At the moment, I was doing just that. I was led down on the bed with my head propped up with one of the puffy pillows while I flicked little balls of fire in the air with my left hand. "Willow please stop that, it's irritating me," I'd been flicking the balls in the air for at least half an hour around now and the more I did it Liam was getting frustrated at me. I kept changing the size of them to try and please him but it just got him more frustrated "Liam if you hadn't noticed I am stuck in this room, chained to a curtain rail with no amusement whatsoever and this is the only amusement I can find. So if you by any chance have anything else to offer then I'm all ears. If not, please shut your mouth or find something else to talk to me about," it was definitely evident the circumstances were messing with me because with Liam being my only means of communication, my rudeness was being played onto him. "Alright, I'm sorry but could you please do something else. I've been watching you mess with that fire ball for ages. Do something different," the sigh was heavy inside my head almost causing a headache to pulse through my brain. I took his words under consideration so instead of using fire, I created small little rocks in the air and let them crack and break before they fell back down "You're unbelievable," Liam moaned inside my head. I knew what he meant by do something different and this wasn't what he had in mind but I didn't care at least it made me laugh at him breaking away the urge of agitation for a bit "I'm glad my despondent emotion is bringing you happiness at least I've cracked a smile," it was true, a smile did crack upon my face bit it soon vanished as I heard the lock in the door move. I sat up suddenly crossing my legs in the process and instead of being faced with the usual two guards enter the room I was faced with the man I least wanted to see, Alesandro. As he made his way over towards me a glare was formed across my face while he tried communicating with a smile to me; of course I pushed it aside. "How are you today Willow?" even through his voice and posture, he was just too calm and elated for something that was tearing at my insides "How'd you think?"

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