Chapter 2: Love Will Never Blossom Through An Arranged Relationship

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Chapter 2: Love Will Never Blossom Through an Arranged Relationship

Step by step I and Sienna would walk down the corridors of the castle. It seemed my father made sure the maids did a good job on the place because everywhere you would look every object, every window would give off a small sparkling shine. All the curtains were pulled back neatly, each wall wore no scar the place looked as if it had just been made, maybe it was always like this and I never paid attention but it felt odd. We came closer to the throne room and I just stopped outside the door. I looked up at its delicate carvings on the wooden borderline before just staring...staring at the chestnut door which was the barrier between me and the new suitor, between me and my father, I couldn't bring myself to push the door open. It wasn't nerves, I just knew I wasn't meant for this and I didn't want to force myself into something that would fail once again. I could feel my heart pumping out from my chest and all I could hear in my head was the boy's words "I promised I would never let anything happen to you" my mind was more focused on that than it was on something that has greater importance. Shaking my head along with a heavy sigh, I pushed open the door to see my father, mother and siblings stood over by the thrones.

Immediately, the first look my father gave me was his disappointed scowl. I walked through into the room with his eyes pierced on my own and all I could feel was my own blood burning up in my own anger as well as his. Though when I got closer to him his stare sent a shiver down my spine and let my blood run cold because I knew this probably wouldn't go down well. I stood next to him professionally as I could and let my gaze turn away from him as his turned down to face me. "Why are you late?" I shrugged; I didn't have to act like a princess in his presence since he's already aware of my disobedient nature. "Like you have to ask," my attitude was just as rough as his was, so when I looked up at him he's eyes wore the look of 'given up'. He nodded casually before staring ahead "I guess you're right, but it has to stop you understand me?" I didn't answer his demand because the doors ahead of us broke open. In walked "Ah James, how wonderful it is to see you again" My father quickly plastered a smile on his face and walked down from the throne to greet his supposed friend answering "Jacob the feeling is mutual," they shook hands as soon as they were in close distance sharing a genial smile.

For my eyes to see, I couldn't stand it making me roll my eyes at the scene. A nudge was felt into my side, I looked to the side to see my mother shaking her head obviously she noticed, of course someone would. "Willow, come here please," I looked back out in front to see my father sharing his smile with me, I knew that it was fake but he was only putting up a front for his friend, but deep down he was probably dying inside begging for something good to happen. I lifted my dress up as I walked down away from the throne before letting go and walked over slowly hoping to not trip up in these heels. As I walked I noticed my fathers eyes expanding, a sign for me to hurry up but I was going at a pace I wanted to go and I knew that it would irritate him more, which is why I was doing it, not just because of the shoes. I stood next to my father to gaze upon the other man in front of me. He was tall and slim like my father but had blonde hair rather than brown, his suit looked like it was made from rose gold and my initial thought it stereotypically looked too girly for his nature. However, it did match his smile. I needed to be polite because after all I was the King's daughter and this man didn't seem intimidating "Nice to meet you sir," I held out my hand ready for him to shake, which he did willingly sharing his smile with me and it beamed brightly "You're so polite," I nodded at him as my thank you before looking up at my father who gave a sigh of relief.

The other King opened his hand out behind him, introducing this boy. He shared the same height as me, possibly a few inches taller, he had hair just like this fathers, blonde but this time with a few brown highlights. He had bright sapphire, emerald eyes which were too bright for my liking; he wore clothes just like his fathers and I automatically knew that his was a daddy's boy. "This is my son Alex," he came forward and held out his hand for me to shake, I took a deep breath and hesitatingly took it. His hand was soft and smooth and when I looked at him, he seemed genuine and kind, but it didn't make me feel at all better about the situation I've been forced in. His released a smile so I figured it is best to return one "We'll leave you two to get along then shall we?" both Kings agreed with each other and everyone left, leaving me alone with Alex. As soon as I noticed everyone was out of earshot and couldn't be seen I had no hesitation in kicking the heels off my feet making sure they landed as far away from me as possible. That's when I heard a laugh. "What's so funny?" I turned round to face Alex, "You?" I stood up properly finally crossing my arms staring him down "What about me?" he started to walk closer to me answering "I noticed from the moment I saw you that you weren't a ordinary princess."

"What gave you that impression?" he held out his hand and then started using his fingers to list all the things about me and surprisingly he was right. "If you can read me with just one glance, its best you tell me about yourself because I know nothing," he just shrugged and sat on the few steps up to the thrones with his hand rested under his chin. "Not much to know really," I beamed with a smile which increased a confused look on his face. "Well if there isn't anything to say, there is no reason for me to stay," I nodded at him leaving him there sat gobsmacked a wide-eyed, looking confused out of his mind, while I left the throne room smiling all the way back up to my room. I slammed the door open doing the same in reverse and headed to my wardrobe. I pulled out my black corset and my black leather bottoms followed by my grey coat. I quickly chucked all the clothes exchanging them from the dress Sienna put me in this morning before silently leaving my room making my way down to the training arena to grab my things and escape the building before my dad could grab his eyes on me. Tiptoeing down the cavern looking tower, I walked into the training arena ready to grab my things.

"Willow..." I stopped in my tracks and spun round to see Taylor standing there leaning against one of the axes on the wall. Taylor was one of the best warriors in Ivna but was also my best friend. She always kept her hair tied in two French braids connecting them together over her head; it always kept a silky ebony black colour which brought out the sapphire colour in her eyes. Her warrior attire was different to my own; she always wore a loose burgundy top which could be represented as a mini version of a dress with a black belt wrapped around, followed by a grey/black skater skirt with her long boots that trailed far up her legs. I don't think she cared too much about what she looked like as long as she could fight, she was cool with it. She stood against the wall with slight attitude raising her eyebrow towards me. "Where do you think you're going?" She knew just as much as anyone in this kingdom I hated the idea of marriage so she couldn't help but feel for me in so many emotions.

"I'm going to see my aunt," I told her even though it was a lie but then again not such a bad idea. "Are you really? Or are you trying to escape another suitor?" she questioned at me once more. I couldn't win against her, ever. She has this bright sparkle in her eyes that always have this trick, and with once glance at you she would be able to tell whether or not you were lying...even if she doesn't know you that well. "To be honest Taylor, he didn't have much to discuss at all so it was best that I get away and now that I think about it, I will go see my aunt because she's the only one in this damn kingdom who actually understands me," and with that, I didn't even give her a chance to reply. I picked up my own belt which connected all my weapons against it, wrapped it around my waist and left without a second glance.

I went back to the mode of sneaking around, making sure I create just a simple tip-toe. I lifted the hood from my coat over my head wrapping my hair inside and headed towards the kingdom gates as quickly but quietly as possible. The question that's possibly raised in your minds is; why am I sneaking around? As the daughter of the King, you hear stories as you grow up, some always from their own experience and because of that, you get restricted orders to either step in and out of the kingdom. In this case, my father hates it when I leave, or at least finds out when I leave, I don't ever want to hurt him, but he just doesn't understand me like I wished he could. The gates were wide open so I immediately raced outwards as soon as I noticed the guards were busy talking with some of the villagers. As soon as my feet touched the world outside the gates, I felt the wind rush across my face and whispered the life of freedom against my ears. With one take of breath to take in the fresh air beyond the gates, I started my venture into the woods. 

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