Part 3

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Days passed by uneventfully, you gradually found your footing in your new environnement and Taehyung felt like living again. You kept the familiar scheme of taking yourself out in the woods, this time without any intention of living.

There were days where Taehyung felt like you were opening yourself to him, allowed him more than quick glances, granting him small smiles when he would do something funny or silly without intending to, like everytime he would mumble to himself lost in thought around you or trip over his foot when walking in the woods with you and you would try your best to hide them with your head dipping low. But he would catch them all and each of them would breath life into every part of him that desired every part of you.

As much as all of these changes affected you, his new condition touched him too. He had to handle the constant need to be by your side, to have you in his sight because it would settled him down more than anything before and there was no other way for it to calm; he had to manage unknown impulses that craved hearing your voice, smelling your enticing scent, feeling your touch and every time he felt like going insane when he failed fulfilling those urges. He knew this shivering and buzzing would not leave until he would get to mark and make you his and him, yours.

With time, you had agreed to come and mingle with his kin, the first times always shyly, hiding behind him which never failed to endear and please his protective side; then you would offer to help or simply be there with them on your own free will. You grew particularly close with the Alpha's wife — his Luna — the woman you had glimpsed the night of your abduction, who was far from reluctant the first time you would approach her and it moved Taehyung watching you interact with her and her children.

There were days as well, you would change your behavior utterly and become distant of everyone and everything, unresponsive on occurences you were usually more enthusiastic, ignoring them and him as if they were not even there.

You did not know what you were waiting for when you spent long hours by yourself, maybe the possibility of Jimin coming to take you with him but then you would think about the advantages he would get bringing you with him. You were sure Jimin was lonely on a daily basis even more after you had discovered about his true nature. He had probably lived all his vampire years alone, why would it suddenly change because of you ?

You did not care about him being a surreal creature, it was frivolous to you because at that moment he was the closest to a family you had, he felt familiar and safe. You were not the type to grow deeply attached to someone and you would often confuse your own self on that aspect but all those sudden revelations about your world, about yourself felt too much at once and the idea of being backed up by someone familiar sounded simply nice.

Taehyung secretly wished to be that someone. Those times you would give him the cold shoulder, he usually thought you were probably reminiscing about your past life, about the reasons which had pushed you to come back to him and he wished he would make those demons of the past disappear so, you could open yourself to him and let him in, in order to possibly begin building something else, together.

You found a friend in the form of an animal, a wild wolf that had timidly approached you when you had gone farther away from Taehyung's tent. That area must have been theirs but it did not seem to mind your presence and the following days when you were at your usual spot near the stream, it was its turn to found you.

Slowly, it approached you, recognizing your smell, its warm tongue licking you gently and leaving in tiny tingles in its wake, clear blue eyes watching you curiously; you both relished the comfortable silence lingering, save the water trickling quietly and the wind blowing softly.

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