Part 12

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You gasped when you noticed blond hair peeking out the edge of the rock. You climbed back up as quickly as you could and froze as you were looking down at Jimin.

His body was lying on his back and the wooden arrow was embedded in his heart.

"No, no, no," you crouched down and hovered your hands above him, having no clue on how you could help him. "Jimin-"

His eyes were closed and brows slightly furrowed as if he was focusing himself on something. His hand clasped around yours that you softly placed near his wound.

"Jimin," your vision turned blurry, "tell me what to do. Please, tell me what I can do."

"_____-" He breathed out.

You bit onto your arm and positioned it underneath his mouth but he jerked his head to the side, the bite was healing already.

"______," he tried again. "There's nothing to do."

"Why did you do that? Why did you-"

"Because you have me. You always had."

You frowned at him looking into his purple eyes that seemed to speak a thousand words. You remembered the words, his first words when you met, the words he liked to repeat, words that held a meaning that eluded you.

He whimpered when his hand held the arrow tightly.

"No- what are you doing?"

A thick silvery liquid spluttered out of the hole in his chest after he extracted the weapon. You could hear the flow of it sipping out of him and a buzzing near his heart that throbbed as the healing cells attempted to mend the injured organ.

He let his other hand fall limp on the hard surface and you grasped it as an invitation to lean closer.

His fingers gently covered you nape and with the last remnants of his strength he brought your ears to his lips and whispered, "forgive me."

You leant back slowly and gently pressed your lips onto his forehead.

You raised onto your feet and met Jungkook's eyes first thing as he was hugging his mother to him. You shook your head and expectantly looked at the Queen before turning towards the alpha.

Jungkook returned your gaze to his mother just as anticipated.

"He's the one," your voice was barely a whisper but you knew the lycan heard it loud and clear and he gave Fenrir a black look.

Taehyung looked at the Alpha when he heard him calling in his head. They shared a look and moved closer to the Fenrir. The other men instantly began to step backwards at the sight of the two impressive creatures.

"What are you doing ?"He fumed, pulling his sword from its scabbard again and lifting the blade in front of the two creatures. "Move away, you filthy curs."

Taehyung suddenly lunged forward to jump over him and land behind the man before he could have the time to react and with one arm he forced him down to the ground. His furry fist slammed violently on the man's wrist for him to let go of his weapon and the dull sound of his bone breaking underneath your husband's strength cracked in the air.

Fenrir screamed out sending shivers down the spines of every human staring with horrified eyes. Taehyung kept his paws on his shoulders.

He looked downward, terrified as he watched the black lycan marching toward him; with lips curled upward, baring sharp teeth and letting out low groans, his tail held stiffly behind him, his fur bristling as his ears stood erected; he sneered at him, boring holes on the man's scared face who began pleading, begging for mercy.

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