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I woke up too a loud banging at my door, thinking its my mom or dad I opened the door but to my surprise this brown haired God was standing outside with that cheeky smile of his, looking at me up and down biting his lip.

Then i realized I had my really tiny bum shorts on with a bralette , but the bralette was longer than a usual one It was more like a crop top.

I quickly grabbed the blanket that was on the side and covered up.

Ava:" BRAD ITS FUCKEN EARLY!!!!!! Why did you wake me up???

Brad:"Good morning sweet-pea, Well you better get a move on we have plans today remember?May I come in? The other lads already left to go do their thing for the day.

Ava:" Sure, but stay in the lounge area. I am going to to shower and get ready okay? ( I said very grumpy like)

Brad:"Someone is clearly not a morning person."(Brad said softly)

Ava:"Excuse me?"

Brad:"You excused."

Ava:" ahhhh just shut up."

It was so weird how i was so comfortable around Brad, but i knew we could just be friends and i should not wear my heart on my sleeve once again.

I decided to wear a white skirt and a pinkish jersey, and put my basic makeup on I do not really wear a lot of make up but I had eyelash extensions.

Brad:" You look beautiful sweetheart, you ready to go?"

Ava:" Do you call all your friends beautiful?"

Brad:" No, only the special ones.

Ava:" Typical!"

Brad:" Well hop along then, we running out of time!"

Ava:" Where are you taking me?"

Brad:" Its a surprise"

Ava:" ah this is gonna drive me insane."

Brad:" You will soon find out, patience sweet-pea."

Well this has been a very eventful morning.

Maybe Brad wasn't as bad as i thought.

A beautiful surprise Where stories live. Discover now