5SOS-Preference #2: First Kiss

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5SOS-Preference #2: First Kiss

Ashton: The warm evening air ruffled your hair slightly, causing several strands to fly into your mouth. You huffed, annoyed at the occurrence, and brushed your hand across your face, catching the hair with your fingers. Ashton smiled at your actions; he always found your struggles with your hair very amusing, whereas you generally ended up annoyed and frustrated with your locks. You and Ashton had been friends since you were just pint-sized children waddling around your mothers' legs. Ashton had always been sweet to you, but you figured it was just because of the manners his mother had instilled in him, whereas your comments to Ashton were born from your crush on him. You couldn't quite remember when you had started thinking of the brown-haired boy as more than an honorary brother, but you had been keeping all of the butterflies you felt when he came over to your house to yourself for several years. You couldn't help but notice how nice his hair looked, curly with the heat and humidity. It distracted your from your annoyance at your hair, and you didn't realize that a smile crept onto your face. "Hey Y/N, what's with the smile?" Ashton asked, a mischievous grin on his face, as if he knew he was the reason for your smile. You blushed, and turned your head, hoping the stars and moon weren't bright enough to illuminate your face. However, Ashton seemed to know you better than you thought, he had been your best friend for eighteen years now. "It's me, isn't it?" He questioned, nudging your foot with his own. You responded with a quick, "No! Why would I be smiling at you?" "Because I am amazing," Ashton stated, as though it was obvious. "Besides, you love me, you should be smiling all the time when I'm around. He smiled at you, but noticed your smile had turned into a frown. He hadn't realized how true his statement had been, you did love him. There was just no way to say that without potentially ruining your friendship, and that wasn't something you wanted to risk."Ash!" you shrieked as he began tickling your stomach. "Stop it! You know I don't like being tickled!" It was true, you turned into a ninja when anyone tickled you, or even touched you for that matter. Ashton was the one exception to the touching, you always allowed him to hug you, but tickling was where you drew the line. You shrieked again as his nimble fingers came into contact with your sides. "Please, Ash, I'll do anything, just stop!" "Well," he began, pausing his fingers, "maybe you could do something..." His voice became quiet, and if you would have been a bit closer to him you would have felt the waves of heat rolling off of his cheeks. Unbeknownst to you, Ashton had been dreaming of your lips on his, Pretty in Pink lipstick smearing on his own lips, as you kissed. Ashton had the same fears as you, so he kept his feelings to himself, until now at least. "Ashton, Ashton! Hello, are you still with me?" You questioned, worried at the long pause. Ashton shook his head, attempting to clear his thoughts and give himself an extra moment to gather courage, "What I was saying is that if you want me to stop ticking you," he paused again, and you became worried about his sudden breathlessness. Finally, he pushed the words out of his mouth, "you should kiss me, and then I won't tickle you." You sat there in stunned silence for a minute, unsure if this was simply a dream of yours, and you would awake with Ashton still attacking your sides, but when you looked into Ashton frightened face, mostly cloaked in darkness, you realized that it was real. As soon as you processed this, you brought your lips up to meet Ashton's plum ones. After a few moments, you both pulled away slightly and looked at each other, then started laughing. "That was, wow, I can't even believe that we just did that," Ashton stated in surprise. "But it was perfect," you added, making sure Ashton was aware that you enjoyed it too. "So how long have you liked me?" Ashton asked you. "How long have I liked you? No, the real question is why didn't you ever say anything to me, Ashton Irwin? We could have done that years ago, instead of waiting until we're about to leave for college!" "Oh, so this is my fault now?" Ashton asked, with a gleam in his eyes. "Ashton, it's always your fault, remember?" You reminded him with a smile. "Hmm, well I think you need to apologize, Y/N," Ashton said reaching out his fingers, coming to tickle you again. "Wait, Ash," you rushed out, "if you stop right now, I'll kiss you again!" Ashton switched the motion of his hands, and they came to rest next to you, and he lowered his lips onto yours again, a slight smile placed upon them. As Ashton's cherry lips met your own, you thought of how lucky you were that everything worked out between you, and how many more kisses you would get to share with your best friend, Ashton.

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