You a shy young boy entering a new academy. Bullied mostly by girls, you had your friends to rely on. One day you are pushed to too far. Suicide is attempted... something changed the next day. It doesn't go so well... or does it?
After spending some time with each other the four finished their training, They parted ways and went home. While walking Y/n Scolded CJ for leaving him with Katsuragi. Y/n and CJ Small talk about there training with there partners.
Y/n: D-D-Do that to me again. A-And I WILL murder you...
CJ: No promises.
They continue to walk toward there destination for Another hour, and the feeling of unease grows as feel like there being followed once again, not by Asuka and Katsuragi there where was a whole team following. Y/n gives a prepared look to CJ and he does the same. They both stop and friendship hand shake. They both take a deep inhale and scream.
CJ and Y/n: Shokku esukēpu (Shock Escape)
A White Haze of light surrounds the area and the two make a run for it. The two jump from from building until they run out of breath and lean against a wall.
Y/n:I-I-I think we lost them
???: I Would rephrase that if I Where you...look up and see a team of female ninjas.
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Y/n Thoughts: (OH COME ON!!!! I CAN'T HAVE A BREAK!!!)
CJ Thoughts: (This is both very funny and very concerning) Uuh do you need something? Cuz we kinda have to get back to our academy if you don't mind.
One with white hair looks at her teammates and says something Inaudible for Y/n, CJ. She leaps down and gives CJ an unsettling stare and grin. CJ states nervously.
CJ: Heh Uhh Y/n do you recognize these girls from somewhere?
Y/n: O-O-One of the rivals of Hanzo Academy. I-I-If I remember they are Hebijo a ninja school affiliated with, E-E-Evil Ninja! A-A-And thats one of there leaders Miyabi Third year. CJ looks back at Miyabi.
CJ: I thought so. Let me guess your mission Kill us or Kidnap us and hold us for ransom...
Miyabi: You Are oddly sarcastic. Do you realize if you lose you could- CJ interrupts.
CJ: Lose my life I know "Mom!" God what is with you bad guys and monologues! Lets just BOX already!
Miyabi: Your other friend said something like that, He will be broken soon and so will You!
Y/n Stands behind CJ, nervous but ready to go.
CJ:...I Never thought I would have to use this. Y/n get behind me.
Tigurekkusu no ami!!
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CJ: Get Ready!! He yells and rushes Full speed toward Miyabi.
She draws her blade and swings, misses CJ disappears out from sight. Miyabi looks all around her she looks at Y/n smiling and pointing up. She looks up and is meet with a knee to her face and is kicked away. Y/n Starts cheering but stops when Miyabi stands to her feet and stares at CJ with a sadistic smile on her face. She grabs her sword, disappears and moves around CJ. Miyabi strikes and hits his arm scales, The two see face to face. CJ sees nothing darkness in her eyes, and a mixed understanding.
Y/n Thoughts: How is she doing this? shes getting faster as she fights, but CJ's arm scales are harder than steel! Hes fighting defensively, he knows his body can't keep this up but doesn't look phased. This woman is has third year training, But he is holding his own like he's done this before. Y/n Thinks about this.
Y/n Thoughts: Its because hes been doing it for me with Keion for most of my life. This isn't new for him...
The fight continues with Miyabi on the ropes. Miyabi is thrown out the air by CJ and crashes on the ground. CJ stands over Miyabi arms crossed.
CJ: I'm not one to fight Females physically, but lady you are Really pushing your luck. Now Beat it or Get Beat down. Miyabi stares at the ground, Giggling laughing, Heart beat louder than thunder. CJ feeling concerned he grabs her Miyabi shoulder and she shivers.
CJ: Surrender now. You fought pretty damn well, but this fight is over.
Miyabi body starts to shake and quiver. A blonde ninja calls for Y/n.
???: Oh Y/n! I suggest you come up here to a safer distance, Because the show is about to start. Y/n wonders what she means, Then looks back at the two fighters
Miyabi starts to laugh harder and louder and shoots her face into CJ and looks into his eyes.
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Miyabi: I'll never leave you. Until Your ALL MIIINE!! Miyabi's body covers its self in a Dark Aura. CJ jumps back.
CJ Thoughts: DAMN IT ALL! I Only have been fighting defensively this entire time, I only have Five minutes left before I burn out. I have to stop this!
Miyabi: Here I come My Sweet DARLING~!!!
Y/n: I-I-I've never seen any t-t-t-thing like this. W-W-W-What is she?
???: She has become over taken by her Hunger for CJ. She won't stop, And neither will Us, or the "Others" *Giggle*
The girls around Y/n giggle suspiciously.
Y/n thoughts: Sweet Chris, I really hope she doesn't mean the girls at our academy...
CJ's body starts to shake. Feeling the intense energy coming from Miyabi. As the aura disappears a new form appears before CJ and Y/n eyes.
CJ: Holy...
Y/n: S-S-Shit...
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