You a shy young boy entering a new academy. Bullied mostly by girls, you had your friends to rely on. One day you are pushed to too far. Suicide is attempted... something changed the next day. It doesn't go so well... or does it?
Y/n P.O.V The three of us walk through the forest, going on Keions "Sixth Sense". Keion stops for a moment and points in the direction of a girl on a bench, that appears to be eating a Ice Pop crying and talking to herself. We walk behind her listening.
???: I've been training and training and training, but nothing I do a is enough for her. She abuses me and doesn't call me by my name anymore,"Ushi" is what she and the others call me when they make fun of my body. She either does this or ignores me like I'm not there. She is obsessed with trying to destroy Y/n and his friends life because of the legend, she can't stand for him being happy. Not since what happened to You years ago. *Pause* But why does she have to show such hate for him when it's His father's fault!? *pause* She chooses Revenge instead of Forgiveness, I...
Tears weld up in the girls eye.
???: Wish you where still here help us...*Bite*
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We stand in sadness and concern over hearing her conversation with "herself". The ninja finishes her Popsicle and her tone changes from sad to slightly confident.
???: You're right Mother. I must keep my promise to her and be strong! I will defeat them a prove to her that can be just as skilled as her. *Pause* I Will father *Pause* I won't kill them Mother, Besides I do kinda like them. I'm to shy to tell them this,
Myself and the others stand in confusion and walk back into the forest to converse.
Y/n: S-S-She wants to prove herself by beating us.
Keion: but she doesn't really want to, She even said that she "Kinda Likes Us" *Chuckles*
CJ: What happened so long ago for Shuko to hate Y/n so much? And what did she mean by "Y/n dads fault".
We look at each other for a moment.
Y/n: I-I-I guess we can go ask her? We nod in agreement and make a plan to surprise her.
A little while later...Still Your P.O.V
We finish forming our plan and make our move. She setting up a well thought out trap for us, sad that we watched her set it up. We sit on trees surrounding her as she finishes her last trap for us. I look to my teammates and give the signal to move in.
I grab a smoke bomb from my boot and throw it down to her feet and the bomb explodes. She leaps out of the smoke.
???: Who dares threatens a member of the Hell Cats!
The smoke clears and she sees the three of us
Y/n: W-W-We are just here too meet you. T-There is no need to fight. I remove my mask off my face and the others do the same.
Keion: You set up traps, But your the only one that holds no real hate in your heart.
CJ: So why our question is, How can such a beautiful girl be on the hunt for us lonely bros? He dramatically puts his hand on his chest. She blushes madly and gets in a fighting pose.