You a shy young boy entering a new academy. Bullied mostly by girls, you had your friends to rely on. One day you are pushed to too far. Suicide is attempted... something changed the next day. It doesn't go so well... or does it?
The rising moon looms over the forest. The wind moves over Y/n, CeeJay and Keion as they stand in shock as Emiri falls to the ground and bleeds from her face. Shuko over Emiri's convulsing body. She looks to Y/n and gives a deceptive smile.
Shuko: You know throughout my life, I never thought that I would get this chance. I can finally have all three of you all to myself, And finally be free of your existence.
Your P.O.V
I feel a disturbance within Shuko's body and I take a step back for a moment from the Pressure and Evil I sense. What ever Shuko is, it will kill all of Us. Out of pure fear for my life and the others even Emiri, I try to reason with Shuko.
Y/n: S-S-Shuko after all this time, Y-You never one time tried to talk to me about why you hate me and what my Father did. P-Please stop what every you trying to do, T-T-There is no need for any unwanted Violence.
Shuko smile vanishes and she stares at me, awkwardly. She looks to Emiri's unconscious body and back to me. She takes a deep breath and responds.
Shuko: My father always told me the world would punish and destroy me, And I would have to make ways to survive. You were papered and spoon fed for all your life, Your body guards that you call friends being proof and now this Legend. Though that was just the start, My father tried to untie the knots of my family and unite our shinobi families, but after your families show of weakness and cowardice, He deiced to challenge my Father and killed him.
Ceejay: yeah I don't think Assassination, Murder, Bulling and Torturing entire non-shinobi families to serve yours is the best validation, Hell one of your shinobi's even attempted to come at my family somewhere down the line in history. He interjects.
Keion: And "Body Guard" really... At least he strong enough to have just us and not a whole School to watch his back. Y/n looks at Keion with a You jerk kind of look.
There is a sudden shift in the atmosphere and the very presence of Shuko changing. The color of her hair changes to a purple and a Dark aura surrounds her body. The three feel a chill of fear down spine as the transformation finishes. Shuko looks to the three ninjas mostly at at Y/n, Her gaze made your heart sink to your stomach. Shuko slowly lifts her hands to present her new self.
Shuko: This Transformation is the Proof of my Struggle and Sacrifice, Only Shinobi of my family is capable of such change like this. No Outsiders can attain this, I have taken much time to master this state over the years. I am going to use it to kill you now.
figlia oscura, mantello della morte: Dark Daughter Cloak of Death
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First CeeJay, Then Keion and I will let you savor the Despair when i'm done Y/n. Then its your turn...
Y/n and Keion look to the big guy of the group and see him smiling, Y/n Thinks for a moment and a horrible thought fires through your head. He looks back to you and keion with reassuring smile.